
Sleepless by Smash Designs [web]

                            Sleepless Final Version
                                Smash Designs
                           #1 at Mekka/Symposium 2k


Alexander Gress   aka  Idefix
Tobias Schlegel   aka  Tobi
Kai Schroeder     aka  Soney

Joerg Tobergte    aka  Coke

Christoph Muetze  aka  Gizmo

Tammo Hinrichs    aka  Kb

-[Notes to the Final Version]-------------------------------------------------

We have included a windows executable and made many many fixes.
If you have downloaded the stereo addon for sleepless - copy the files
in this directory and delete the file sound.paq.

-[The Mission]----------------------------------------------------------------

We wanted to create a demo that is more than a music-clip. In our opinion
a demo still should show what can be done with a certain hardware, supported
by nice design. 
By making another software-rendering engine demo, we wanted to push this to a
limit that has not been reached so far. It gave us more space for creativity.
Most of our coders haven't got a 3d-card anyway :). Seems like we have to
buy one soon...

-[Engine Features]------------------------------------------------------------

The following features are implemented in the Smash Designs 3d-Engine:

Realtime bone animations, object morphing, displacement mapping, keyframing,
a particle system, soft shadows, lightrays, mirrors, diffuse and specular
lighting, fd-voxel...

Features of the Texturemappers:

Perspective Correction, Subpixel-, Subtexelaccuracy, RGB-Gouraud Shading,
Phong-Shading, Alphamapping, Bumpmapping, Shadowmapping, trilinear filtering
on minimization...


The Scala Family, Elitegroup, Oxyron, Witchcraft, Teklords, Tum, Matrix,


If you want to get in contact with us, write to [email protected]