Creation by Falcor
So... We need a DOC for this demo but we're not that good in writing DOCs for demos ourselves, mainly because this is, as you know, not know or may have already figured out, this is our first demo, hopefully not (but probably) the last. Ok. As usual, we always postpone everything (important everythings in particular) to the last minute. So today (Thursday the 11.1.96), we have to upload this demo to the man releasing all demos presented in MOVEMENT 95 (Remind me to speak about it later), and the chances are it won't be ready, or at least not as ready as we wanted. You may ask yourself, at this point, "how could a demo take the 2nd place in a demo contest, and a month later is not yet released ?". Very good for you, because that's exactly what we asked ourseleves for the last 4 weeks. By the way, we're from Israel. YES, we DO have demos in Israel (If you can call it a demo ;). We have many other things in Israel that people who live outside our country don't think we do. Here is a partial list: Pizza, Coke, Movies, Girls, Pentiums (Lately), Color TV with cables (50 channels... eat your heart), MTV, Teachers & Homework (See also: School), & finally school (Though we wish we hadn't - six days a week, believe it or not). Oh yes. About the sound support - you need a GUS. Originally we didn't want it to run ONLY with GUS, but life is a little bit more complicated than that. But don't blame us. Blame Bill Gates ("640Kb should be enough for everyone..."). Not that we didn't try - we moved the whole thing into protected mode - but it was slow... (now blame Intel & its stupid machine virtualization design). So we moved the whole thing back to real mode. And then we found out that the stupid DEMOVT, which doesn't support EMS or XMS or anything (just makes your life miserable), eats all our memory ! So what can you do... (You can buy a GUS...). Right. NO! Left. RIGHT. Right. (Is this the last train to Norich ? Ok. So I mispelled it...) Never mind. If you didn't see that movie, do. Now, I wanted to tell you about MOVEMENT' 95 but you didn't remind me to do so I won't. But just a few facts: MOVEMENT' 95 was the first but not least (& the not last) Israeli Demo Compatition. FALCOR took 2nd place in the demo compo (leaving another 6 demos far behind), and 1st place with a stupid intro we wrote at the compo site (The SURPRISE compo). Our email address to which you can write: [email protected]
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