Chaos Theory 4k (KK remix) by DMA [web]
---------------- Chaos Theory 4k remix by KK/DMA ---------------- . __ . . d$$$. __ `?FF"' ;MMMMm ,. . ;;MPYMMM.;$$h ,d$$$$h. ;;]PMMYMMb`$$F ?FFFFF `;TMMMdMMP ` An intro . _________ ;;MMdMMP Of my making d888888888b `YMMP' Yet an intro Y888888888P Not of my design ___ . ______d888b . $ d88888888888 . $ . Y8888888888P $ . $ $ . ______ . $ . . ___d888888b $ .. $ $ _________ d88888888888b _d888888888b Y88888888888P _________ d888888888888 d888888888b Y8888888888P Y888888888P Original 64k idea Conspiracy Hard work remixing it all in 4k KK Hardware requirements: SM 4.0-class card and A LOT of shader power GTX 280 or higher strongly recommended good CPU won't hurt (a lot of 3D primitives) if you have something slower, consider running demo in reduced resolution (or waiting for capture) Known bugs: Esc key may not work under some Win7 installs (Alt+Ctrl+Del to the rescue). Special thanks go to Marta for her patience. Many thanks to Mentor, Blueberry and all the people involved in making of Crinkler. Respect to Conspiracy crew for making one of the best 64ks out there. Greetings fly to: Spec Kyan Reg Unc Vorg Ninja Bonzaj Rrrola Mentor Blueberry Gargaj all the people at all the people who ever tried their hand at 4k intros all the people at the Riverwash 2k11 party and beyond you, for wasting your time reading this all Some technical details for those interrested: The intro is based on set of crazy vertex and pixel shaders. Vertex shader deforms and positions all objects. Pixel shader shades and renders procedural textures. Before each batch of objects there is option to change render states and copy current backbuffer to one of the two "rendertarget" textures. The trick to fit all shaders was to use extra preprocessor, which inlines chunks of text, so they may be nested and reused. Custom HLSL parser with intelligent variable renamer was of great help, too. Every scene is defined by 3 bytes: duration, 8-bit camera path seed and 8 one-bit flags. For further details just disassemble the intro or simply email me at the address below. Have fun, KK of DMA [email protected]
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