
The Box by CorridaSoft [web]

Info about demo "The Box" (c) 2000 CorridaSoft

  Pablo de Heras Ciechomski
  Owner of CorridaSoft

- 1 Date of birth
- 2 Vision           
- 3 Requirements     
- 4 Performance tips
- 5 Credits explained
- 6 Contact info     

- 1 Date of birth

Released on the internet on july 27
2000 originally for the demo 
competition at Revoid in Malmoe

- Angry note
The funny thing is we decided just the
days before the event in Malmoe no to 
participate, in what we thought was a 
lame party. The organisers did the 
only reasonable thing to do. They 
cancelled the event. They couldn't fool
enough people to pay up by the internet?

I hope the rest of the Swedish demo
scene has better luck at Assembly 2k :)


The demo engine and every tool was coded
from scratch during 4 weeks. The animation
was done off and on during two weeks.

8000+ Lines of C/C++ code.

- 2 Vision

"Let us not confine creativity by our imagination.
 Let the tools confine our creativity."
-Pablo de Heras Ciechomski

Uh.. Yeah well...

Rule #1 Only use black and white. No grayscale.
Rule #2 No textures

- 3 Requirements

Windows operating system
3D accellerator with OpenGL driver
16 bit Sound card
Pentium MMX 233 MHz or better
About 32 MB free memory = 64 MB mem or more.

- 4 Performance tips

If you own a 3DFX Voodoo1 or Voodoo2 card:
Copy 3dfxvgl.dll or similar (the largest one)
from your windows/system directory into the
directory of the demo executable. Rename the
dll into opengl32.dll. If you don't do this
the demo will run in software mode. We 
didn't have time to code a run-time loader.
Sorry :)

- 5 Credits explained

Pablo de Heras:
  Demo idea and design. 
    3DS to P3D (Pablo 3D) converter tool.
    P3D loader.
    Keyframing engine.
    Special effects inlay.
    Transformation pipeline
      Blended triangle stack.
      The transformation pipeline is 
      implemented to mirror OpenGL behaviour.
      Opaque triangles are drawn immediately
      while the translucent ones are stacked
      and sorted back-to-front in a final
      stage before being rendered.
    There is not one single glTranslate,
    glRotate or glScale. Everything is done
    by hand (TM) :)
  Sound engine.
    Wav to ADP converter tool.
  3D-modelling and animation.
    All model meshes are in-house except 
    for Kung-Fu monk by Martin Eklund.
    All models are animated by Pablo.

Björn Aspernäs:
  File system called HIDE.
    Can append data-files to arbitrary 
    Hide tool to add data files to 
    HIDE archives.
  The Moebius knots special effect
  in the spherical room.

Martin Kretz:
  The gravity special effects in the
  three pillar room.

Kristian Saeter:
  Sound track "The Box".
    Kristian aka Nokturnal. He had the
    good will to let us use his track.

- 6 Contact info


Pablo de Heras Ciechomski:
  Owner of CorridaSoft
  [email protected]

Björn Aspernäs:
  [email protected]

Martin Kretz:
  [email protected]

Kristian Saether:
  Aka Nokturnal
  [email protected]