
Chosneck issue #01 intro by Remo

       __  ___`:::....     ___.
     __) \/  /__ `::::::. _) _|_____
   _/       /      ::::::    \__    \_      
   |    \  /      .:::::'     |/     |
   |_____\/____  ::::` ______________|       
   .___________ ::::  _______________.    
   |             ````                |
   | M  y  S  t  i  c  B  y  t  e  s |   

       When you think you've tried 
         Every road Every avenue
            Take one more look
           At what you found old
   And in it you'll find something new...

      yea' here we come with the 1st
              REAL issue of...

.  /\   /\  /\  /\  /\   /\   /\ /\ /\    .                                                       
. / //\ \ \/  \/ / /  \ /  \ /  \ / \ |   .                                                        
./ / \ \/  \ \ \ \/ /\ \ /\ \ /\// /\ /_  .                                                     
.\ \  \  /\ \ \ \  / / //  \ \\// / / _ \ .                                                    
. \ \/ \ \ \ \ \ \/ / /\ \/ \// \/ / \ \ \.                                                      
.  \  / \ \ \/\  / / /  \ \ \  \  / \ \ \/.                                                     
.   \/   \/    \/  \/    \/\/   \/   \/   .                                                   
 - C H O S N E C K - S T I L L A T A R I -  

      ...delayed but resurrected! :o)
         atari falcon disk-maggie 
    dedicated 2 all survivors out there

      by MSB dreamerz in January '02  

- -----------------------------------------          
  spec thx goes 2 spiny 4 da ascii stuph!
             (-chosneck logo-)  
----------------------------------------- -

:::::::::::::: INTROduction :::::::::::::::

  asm-lines:    Simon Williams a.k.a. REMO
     visual:    Moonwalker / Mystic Bytes
                Simon Williams a.k.a. REMO  
      noise:    505 / Checkpoint            

        req:    RGB or VGA video-mode
                4MB bird at least 

:::::::::::::: MAIN CONTENT :::::::::::::::  
     editor:    Grey / Mystic Bytes
 co-editors:    Saulot, Trophy, Mr Byte
    support:    Spiny / Torment 
  asm-lines:    Sqward / Mystic Bytes
     visual:    Moonwalker / Mystic Bytes
      noise:    505 / Checkpoint
                [s-track noø1]                 
                SeaBrush / Mystic Bytes           
                [s-track noø2]

        req:    RGB or VGA, 14 MB bird
    control:    mouse or keyboard
::::::: ACHTUNG! ATTENTION! UWAGA! ::::::::

Use  only  in a well-ventilated  area. Keep 
away from heat or flame. Avoid contact with 
eyes  or  prolonged  contact  with skin. If 
swallowed  _DO NOT_  induce  vomiting. Call
physician immediately. Keep out of reach of 

:::::::::::::: E-MAIL zone ::::::::::::::::

    SQWARD............. [email protected]
    MOONIE........... [email protected] 
    SEABRUSH... [email protected]
    MDM................... [email protected]
    RIVEN........ [email protected]
    GREY................ [email protected]

:::::::::::::: get in touch :::::::::::::::

  take a look at things we've chosneck'ed 
         2gether! c-ya nxt issue..

 May the peace and happiness of Christmas 
   be with You throughout the New Year!         
 MSB prod 2oo2            grey signin' off 