
Cloen vs Moonspeedor by Crac

        - CLOEN vs MOONSPEEDOR -

This sort demo is a kind of advertising for two products:
C.L.O.E raytracer

But it is a short greet to AvP authors, too. (the name sounds the same)

AND it is a nice way to make an other demo, we hope you'll enjoy.
Use mouse with its buttons to move and rotate.

Nothing else to say than spread it, have fun, and please do not exit the
small virtual world.

authors of this demo:
BESTBUG, CRAC, ENITALP, MACDO, PSET. (in alphabetic order)

To copy it, and keep being legal, you should respect those points:

_ You can't modify the demo and this text.
_ You have to copy this text file with the program.
_ You can't make benefits with this program. If you wish to, you'll have to
   ask me. (only copy expenses)

to contact me:

Audoly Gilles
10, passage S‚gurane
06300 NICE

internet: [email protected]
BBS: Gilles Audoly

(any others postal and internet adresses don't exist anymore ...)

********* advertising *********

The game Moon Speeder is now avaible in all over the world. (well, probably
not in Algeria and Irak.)
If you send a HD disk and a stamped enveloppe to Audoly Gilles, you'll
receive the playable demo version.
Moon Speeder is published and sold by COMPOSCAN FRANCE:
9, av Verdier
92120 Mont-Rouge
tel: (+33)(1)

If you made a QUALITY program you wish to be published, you should remember
that, in association with COMPO Software, COMPOSCAN is the best in Europe for

********* advertising *********

I can't make much advertising for CLOE raytracer, as long as I don't know if
the adress of the authors changed or not. You should check for the demo
version, or ask for more fresh informations in your usual ATARI shop.
The raytracer is planned to be avaible in early february 1995.

For French tongue people:

FAUCONtact est une association 100% FALCON, qui ‚dite un magazine.
Le prix de l'abonnement ‚tant d‚risoire, et la qualit‚ ‚tant remarquable,
je me permets de vous conseiller de le commander. Il faut normalement une
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ci-aprŠs, vous pouvez ‚crire sur une feuille les informations n‚c‚ssaires.

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 * Graphismes
 * Programmation
 * Musique
 * Jeux
 * PAO / Bureautique
 * autres:

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OUI, j'adhŠre … l'association FAUCONtact pour une dur‚e de ...
 * 6 mois. Ci-joint un chŠque de 45 francs (50 francs pour les autres pays
   de la CEE) … l'ordre de: Association FAUCONTACT.
 * 12 mois. Ci-joint un chŠque de 90 francs (100 francs pour les autres pays
   de la CEE) … l'ordre de: Association FAUCONTACT.

Cette cotisation me permettra de recevoir le fanzine bimestriel de
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la banque de Domaines Publics et de d‚mos de l'association.

En m'inscrivant, j'autorise l'association FAUCONtact … m'envoyer tous documents
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Si vous avez des sugestions concernant l'association, n'h‚sitez pas:

Renvoyez ce bulletin ainsi que le chŠque … l'adresse suivante:

Association FAUCONtact
Mas du CrŠs
30140 Boisset et Gaujac