fire in the sky by Come'N'Play
.. . .. ... .. . .... ... ... . . . :. : :.; :.. ::.: : ::::. :. :. : : : : . :.. :: : : : ::. ..:: . : F I R E I N T H E S K Y code: calimero / come'n'play Hello to everybody, first of all, sorry for my bad english, second: this is my first 128bytes intro, in fact this is first intro in my life :) OK, lets start it: use TOS (MagiC wont exit properly) put low-res TC (TV 320*200, VGA 320*240) double-click on FIRE_ITS.TOS icon wait fire to starts burn... say: WOW! use space for exit in any time. Thanx to: Ahil/DDcc for instruction about asembler Martin Steen for "Flames for Falcon030" Tat/Avena for source of 128b intro 'arundhati roy' Reservoir Gods for starting 128bytes madnes :) Greatings to: all Atari and Amiga users. bye calimero 1998 Extra info: we, my friend Zeljko (that is his real name, btw my real name is Milan :) and I (together we are: come'n'play), made new game for Amiga and Atari. It's real-time strategi game but not like Total Anhilation or Command & Conquer it's more like Civilazation. For now we have almost finished game engine (is't isometric 3D engine) and some graphics, but we need 3D animation so if there is anybody with fast machine and with good will he should conctac us! For more info and preview screen shots read UnderCover Magazin or Maggie. \ Milan Kovac [email protected] (calimero) \ sys I : Atari Falcon030 \ sys II: Mac PowerBook 5300 \ sys III: Atari Jaguar 64 \ sys IV: Atari STe \__sys___V:_Amiga_500______________
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