Ankha Intro by Fenarinarsa [web]
==== ANKHA INTRO ===== 10/12/2021 A native VGA intro for Atari Mega STE Party version By Fenarinarsa Released at the Sillyventure 2021 Wild Compo Music: dDamage (used with permission) Gfx: Zone (used with permission) Code: Fenarinarsa Required configuration: Mega STE, 4MB RAM, 20MB HDD ET4000 VGA card Tested on NOVA ET4000 ICS 5301-2 with UltraSatan and PP drivers The demo needs to be run from 320x240x256 colors mode More information, how to setup the graphic mode and the source code available under GPLv3 here: Twitter @fenarinarsa Mastodon @[email protected] Watch for the final version with (hopefully) no audio cracks anymore
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