Tyger Tyger by Trope [web]
__ __ / /___ ______ ____ _____ / /___ ______ ____ _____ / __/ / / / __ `/ _ \/ ___/ / __/ / / / __ `/ _ \/ ___/ / /_/ /_/ / /_/ / __/ / / /_/ /_/ / /_/ / __/ / \__/\__, /\__, /\___/_/ \__/\__, /\__, /\___/_/ /____//____/ /____//____/ nom de nom/TROPE 32b intro for the Commodore 64 (+ 2b load address) According to Lovebyte rules (not that @party is Lovebyte, but still...) "For intros of 64 bytes or less, we will not count the header size (given that the header is not larger than the intro itself)" So those serious Lovebyte sizecoders consider this a 32b intro. SYS 4096 to start. I would have loved to get it to autostart, but it didn't happen this time. Written entirely on the day of @party 2021, beginning on Amtrak train 150 from New York to Boston, on the hardware, using Turbo Macro Pro v1.2. Sound was completed (still exclusively using the metal) at @party itself. This was my first time using TMP at all, on or off the C64. ; TYGER TYGER ; NOM DE NOM/TROPE ; @PARTY 2021 CHROUT = $FFD2 *= $1000 LDA #$81 STA $D412 STA $D414 START ORA #%11000000 JSR CHROUT INC $D40F LDA $D41B STA $D418 AND #%10010001 STA $D020 JSR CHROUT BVC START
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