Conwayův život by Řrřola [web]
; ## # ; # ## ### # # # # # # # # # # ; ## ## # # # # # # # ### # ; # # Conwayův život (Conway's Life) ; ## # # # ## ### a 31-byte intro by rrrola <[email protected]> ; ## # # ## # greets to everyone who has 2 or 3 neighbors ; RIP John Horton Conway 1937-2020 ; How it works: ; - scrolling: the new generation is written into the top left cell ; - only one buffer is enough (the screen) ; - SS=screen: the stack adds a little randomness during interrupts ; - [bp], [bp+si], [bp+di] have SS as the default segment ; - the screen segment works only after the video mode is set ; - 3x3 neighborhood: sum only the right column, reuse left and middle ; - the center cell is added too ; - B3/S23 rule: use RCR to index into a 9-bit bitfield ; - LSS initializes the sum so that carry=1 after summing everything ; - overlapping saves 2 bytes: opcode of ADC, smaller offset in [BP+DI] org 0x100 ; assume ah=bx=0 si=0x100 mov al,0x13 ;Start of overlapping code ;cd 10 int 0x10 ; 320x200 video mode ;d1 d2 rcl dx,1 ;d8 0f fmul dword[bx] ;92 xchg ax,dx ; dl = 0x13 ;46 inc si ; si = 0x101 ;bf 8a 02 mov di,0x28a ; di = a nice offset db 0xcd M:db 0x10,0xd1 ;=adc cl,dl (can also be "12 ca", but we need "10 d1") ; cl = 0x99..9f + 0xcd..d0 = 0x66..6f, carry=1 ; cl = 0x66 + sum of living cells in the neighborhood ;d2 d8 rcr al,cl ; dead cell {1|00000000}: carry=1 if cl&0x1f = 9 ; living cell {1|00000001}: carry=1 if cl&0x1f = 9 or 10 ;0f 92 46 bf setc [bp+0x101-322] ; top left cell = carry: 0=dead, 1=alive ;8a 02 mov al,[bp+si] ; al = center cell: 0=dead, 1=alive ;End of overlapping code pop cx ; pop middle column push dx ; push right column for later inc bp ; move one cell to the right: dx is now the middle column add cx,dx ; cl = left column + center column lss dx,[bx] ; ss~~0x9fff, dx=0x20cd (bx is always 0) add dl,[bp+0x101-320] ; right column = top + middle + bottom add dl,[bp+si] add dl,[bp+0x101+(di-0x28a)+320] ; dl = right column, carry=0 loop M ; cx = cx-1, always jump
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