
Dog Sled Saga by DARKSiDERS

 .                                                                                .
 ......: :................./ \..___../\__..../\ ....: :.._______............/\__...
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 ....______.___________._ __ *DARKSiDERS*STRiKES*AGAiN* __ _.____________.______...
 . / \      \  \_______.(/_/\\\__*__*_**____**_*__*__///\_\).________/  /      / \
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  \   /      / _/////////\  /|          WiTH           |\ /\\\\\\\\\\_ \      \   /
   \./|____./_/  \\\\\\\\/_//   ANOTHER FiNE RELEASE    \\\/////////  \_\._____\./
      | * __*------------´|/\.........................../\|-------------*__  * |
    __|_ /\_\_\_\__\_\__\_\\/¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨\//_/__/_/__/_/_/_/\_*_|_
   /\  /\\/_/                                                           \_\//\  /\
  /__\/__\  *                 Dog.Sled.Saga-DARKSiDERS                   * /__\/__\
  \  /\  /__*                                                            *_\  /\  /
   \/__\//\_\  Product:.................................: Dog Sled Saga /_/\\/__\/
      | *\/_/  Developer:..................................: Trichotomy \_\/ * |
      | * __*  Publisher:..................................: Trichotomy  *_  * |
    __|_ /\_\  Genre:.........: Simulation, Management, Rracing , Indie /_/\___|_
   /\  /\\/_/  Protection:......................................: Steam \_\//\  /\
  /__\/__\  *  Number of Players:........................: Singleplayer  * /__\/__\
  \  /\  /__*  Release Date:...............................: 28.09.2016  *_\  /\  /
   \/__\//\_\  Original Date:..............................: 22.09.2016 /_/\\/__\/
      |  \/_/  Packet Count:...................................: 17x5MB \_\/   |
      |    :*  Supplier:...............................: someonesomewhr  *:    |
    __|_   :*  Packer....................................: dadwithwings  *:  __|_
   /\  /\  :*                                                            *: /\  /\
  /__\/__\ :*/\                                                        /\*:/__\/__\
  \  /\ _/_:*| \____                                              ____/ |*:\_ /\  /
   \/__\\  :*.----------------------------------------------------------.*:  /__\/
      |  \ :*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*..*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.**.*.*.*.*.*.: /  |
    __|_ / .--------------------------------------------------------------. \__|_
   /\  //__  \/ ___\_____________MORE_DETAiLED_RLS_iNFO___________/___ \/ ___\  /\
  /__\/__\  \  /.*.*.*.*.*.*.*..*.*.*.*.*.*.*.**.*.*.*.*.*..*.*..*.*.*\  / /__\/__\
  \  /\  /  |\/--------------------------------------------------------\/| \  /\  /
   \/__\/   |  As a rookie musher, foster a dogsledding team whose skills|  \/__\/
      | *   |  will grow if they're treated right. Week by week, get to  :  *  |
    __|_*   |  know your dogs' unique traits, and carve your story into  |  *__|_
   /\  /\   |  the trails of the Mount St. Something region.             |  /\  /\
  /__\/__\  |                                                            | /__\/__\
  \  /\  /  |                                                            | \  /\  /
   \/__\/   |  For even more details about this strange but nice gem on: |  \/__\/
      | *   |  --------------------------------------------------------- |  *  |
      | *   |                                                            |  *  |
    __|_*   |_           http://store.steampowered.com/app/286240/      _|  *__|_
   /\  /\     )________________________________________________________(    /\  /\
  /__\/__\  *                           _/\_                            *  /__\/__\
  \  /\  /__*             iNSTALL      / /\ \      iNFO                 *_ \  /\  /
   \/__\//\_\  -----------------------/ /\/\ \-----------------------  /_/\ \/_ \/
      | *\/_/                       /_ //\/\\ _\                       \_\/ *  |
      | * __*  1. Unpack       .__.// //_/\_\\ \\.__. 3. Roll a Joint   *__ *  |
      | * __*                ___)__/*/__:  :__\*\__(___                 /_/\*__|_
    __|_ /\_\  2. Check our <____ ......)  (......_____> 4. Smoke, Play \_\//\  /\
   /\  /\\/_/     cracktro_______)......|/\|.....(_______   And Enjoy!  *  /__\/__\
  /__\/__\  *            /          ____/  \____         \              *_ \  /\  /
  \  /\  /__*           /_ it was in\    h!    /when the _\            /_/\ \/__\/
   \/__\//\_\         ____)sometime  \        /  unholy (____          \_\/ /\  /\
      | *\/_/         )late 2015 fall/   O.o  \TRiSTA formed(           *  /__\/__\
      | * __*_ _ __  /_   __/\__ z  /___    ___\ z __/\__   _\  __ _ _ _*  \  /\  /
    __|__/\_\\\\\\\\//\\__\  o./z Z_____\  /____Z z\.o  /__//\\//////// /_/\\/__\/
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  \  /\  /__*__  /_/////___/\\\____/dArKSiDeRS¨\____///\___\\\\\_\  __ /_/\ / / /\
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       \/* /__*_/   -.-  \__*__*\|/\ /_\.../_\ /\|/*_*__*/~(^_^)~ \_*_*\*:
        :*|^^^^/___    ___\^^^^^^:^^\  \\.//  /^^:^^^^^^/___    ___\^^^|*:
        :*|^^^^^^^^\  /^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\ |\ /| /^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\  /^^^^^^^|*:
        :*|^tHe"DARK\/SiDERS" ,'gRoUp'\| ^ |/ wAs fORmeD mAin\/Ly dUe^^|*:
        :*|^tO tHe lAcK Of JAPANESE    \/ \/STUFF BeiNg PrE'd oN^^^^^^^|*:
     ___:*|^^^^^^^PC gAmEs aNd MP3 SeCtiOnS NowAdAyS^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^|*:___
     \  :*.------------------------------------------------------------.*:  /
      \ :*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*: :*DARKSiDERS*WANNA*HiRE*: :*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.: /
      / .--------------------------------------------------------------    \
     /___    ____\ \ iF you can supply us RETAiL PC GAMES, JPN / /___    ___\
      /__\  / ______\PREFERRED! Or if you can code some simple/______\  /__\
         /\/ / TOOLS for RiPPiNG, TRAiNERS, ETC! Also lookin for .fi  \/\
    ____/  \/___    And Asian sites, Also one with great NORDiC!  ____/  \____
    \  __/\__  /                                                  \  __/\__  /
     \ \.::./ / CONTACT US OF SOME OF ABOVE SUiTS U:               \ \.::./ /
     / /_::_\ \ [email protected]                            / /_::_\ \
    /__  \/ ___\__________________________________________________/___ \/ ___\
        \  /.*.*.*.*.*.*.*..*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.\  /
        |\/-------------------* DARKSiDERS*RESPECTS *------------------\/|
        |  __/\__             :---------------------:            __/\__  |
        |  \.::./   CRD - VACE - RAiN - WaLMaRT - wAx - MegaSoft \.::./  :
        |  /_::_\                                                /_::_\  |
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