
Havoc by Extreme

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                                                         [THE WHO]

                                  A 4Kb Intro

                                  released at


                             10th-13th August 1995

                  úúúù--ÄÄÄÄÄÄÍÄ[ Krediter ]ÄÄÍÍÍÄÄÄÄÄ---ùúúú


   úúúù--ÄÄÄÄÄÄÍÄ[ Smurfiga members och Beh”vlig H†rdvara ]ÄÄÍÍÍÄÄÄÄÄ---ùúúú

 Requirements:                                   The complete member list:
³ * 486 processor   ³                          ³ Baldric.....Coder,Organizer  ³
³ * VGA             ³                          ³ Vicious.....Coder            ³
³ * Green ballons   ³                          ³ Zyric.......Coder            ³
ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ                          ³ Lev.........Coder            ³
                                               ³ ToneDeaf....Musician         ³
                                               ³ Gibson......Musician         ³
                                               ³ MPS.........Musician         ³
                                               ³ RubberDuck..Graphician       ³
                                               ³ TAP.........Graphician       ³
                                               ³ Mikie.......Graphician       ³
                                               ³ Crack.......Sysop            ³
                                               ³ Ivanhoe.....Sysop            ³

      úúúù--ÄÄÄÄÄÄÍÄ[ Intressant l„sning f”r den glade ]ÄÄÍÍÍÄÄÄÄÄ---ùúúú


         úúúù--ÄÄÄÄÄÄÍÄ[ Fr†n oss alla till er alla ]ÄÄÍÍÍÄÄÄÄÄ---ùúúú

                   Greetings goes to all people in the scene.

              úúúù--ÄÄÄÄÄÄÍÄ[ Tidigare missfall ]ÄÄÍÍÍÄÄÄÄÄ---ùúúú

³ Wargasm      ³ WARGASM.*   ³ Our first demo... What can you expect?         ³
³ Pixtro       ³ PIXTRO.*    ³ Lousy intro about a program never released.    ³
³ Infro        ³ INFRO.*     ³ Info about the SineCreator.                    ³
³ BBStro       ³ BBSTRO.*    ³ Simple BBS Intro                               ³
³ Techno Holic ³ T-HOLIC.*   ³ Our first REAL demo. This is almost good :-)   ³
³ Birthro      ³ BIRTHRO2.*  ³ Our first try to make some design              ³
³ EP           ³ EP12.*      ³ An awfully shitty modplayer                    ³
³ Sine Creator ³ SC10F.*     ³ The ultimate sinecreator.                      ³
³ Lunatic      ³ LUNATIC.*   ³ The demo competing at TCC'93, got 2:nd place   ³
³ Report       ³ REPORT.*    ³ The Party report from TCC'93                   ³
³ Vibes        ³ VIBES.*     ³ Our musicdisk with 12 tunes!                   ³
³ Tomtesaft    ³ TOMTE.*     ³ The 4KB intro from ASM'94                      ³
³ Tracker      ³ ETRCK06.*   ³ Our 32 Channel GUS tracker (it has no name yet)³
³ Unreal-BBStro³ UNR_BBS.*   ³ Nice BBS Intro for Unreal                      ³
³ ETracker     ³ ETRCK07.*   ³ New version of the Extreme Tracker             ³
³ Meth-BBStro  ³ METH_BBS.*  ³ BBS Intro for Methadone                        ³
³ Fatal Bugs   ³ X3M-FAT.*   ³ 64 KB intro Released at Icing '95. Placed 3:d  ³

How to contact us:
³ Patrik Oscarsson                                   ³
³ Hermansv„gen 44                                    ³
³ S-554 53 J”nk”ping                                 ³
³ Sweden                                             ³
³                                                    ³
³ Voice: +46(0)36-711593 (Between 17:00 - 22:00 CET) ³
³                                                    ³
³ E-Mail: [email protected]         (Baldric)           ³
³         [email protected] (Vicious)           ³

                           See you in the next prod!