
Pungas attack by Pungas De Villa Martelli [web]

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       |   |  Release Date : July 5th, 2015                        |   |
       |   |  Name : Pungas attack                                 |   :
       :   |  Type : Demo               Platform: Multi platform   |
           |  Requirements: WebGL spec compatible video card (ATI  |
           |                R9 280X it's enough)                   |
           |  Authors: Arlek, Octavo, Uctumi                       |
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           |                   Release notes:                      |
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           |  This demo is a release for Edison Demoparty and      |
           |  salute our old scene friends.                        |
           |  It intends to has the correct blend between          |
           |  new & old school visuals and music.                  |
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       |   |            Pungas News & Announcements:               |
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       :   |  PVM was born in the suburbs of the third world       |
           |  but still alive under continuous mutation, searching |
           |  new ways to expand its roots.                        |
           |  We`ll be developing new pC and c64 demos, art        |
           |  as well as hack tools before our 20th anniversary    |
           |  next year.                                           |
           |  Be prepared to join our party!                       |
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       |   |           The legendary members of Pungas             |
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       :   |  Founders:                                            |
           |  Arlequin - Octavo                                    |
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           |  Active c64 and Pc members:                           |
           |  aLS - Acid - Alekhn0w - Arlek(quin)                  |
           |  Diamond Darrell - Fear - Mica - Munshkr - Octavo     |
           |  Savior - Topo - Uctumi                               |
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           |                     Greetings:                        |
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           |  LPL - Ambush - Circe - ACiD - Remorse - Koza         |
           |  #PVM and #SCENE.AR - Fairlight - Parasite            |
           |  Esabb - Aquatic - Kortatu - Vanguardia               |
           |  Bandido - FeDCoN - Neik - Toxic Wastes - Food        |
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           |  Pungas will now be accepting Pc and C64 coders,      |
           |  distribution sites, musicians, artists, freaks       |
           |  and hackers.                                         |
           |  If you think your site or skills are suitable        |
           |  contact below address.                               |
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           |                  IRC: #PVM (Efnet)                    |
           |                  Email: [email protected]          |
           |                  WWW: http://www.ask.us.on.irc        |
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