Antiq '97 Invitation by Dinasty
.% dinAsty % d-eyes % therApy %. °° Ü ° ±±ÛÛÛÜÜÜ þÜþ a n t i q ' 9 7ÜÛÛÝ%pcs%ÜÛÛßÜ ° °° ß²ß °°°°ÜÜÜÜÛÛÛÜÜ ÜÛ²ÛÛÝÜÛÛÛÛ²²Ü°°ÞÛÛ²° ßßß ßß°°ÜÜÜÜÜÜ°°° ± ÜÜܲ°°°ÜÛÛÛßßßßÛÛÛ² ÛÛÛÛßÛÛßßßßÛÛÛݲÜÛÛÛßßÛÛÜ°ÛÛÛ²° ÜÛÛÛß ßÛÛßÜ Ü²ÜܲÜÜ ÜÛ²ÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÝ °± ±ÛÛÛÝ ÛÛÛÛÛÝ þ ±ÛÛ°ßßÛÛ² ÜÜÜÜ ÞÛÛÛÜ ÞÛÛÛÝ þÜ ÞÛÛ² ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÝ ÞÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ²° °° °ÛÛÛ²ÞÛÛÛÛ² þß °ÛÛÛÝ ÛÛÛ °°°° °ÞÛÛÛ ²ÜÛÛÛÜ ÜÛÛÛß ÛÛÛßÛÛÛ² ÜÛÛÛÛßÛÛÛ ßÛÛÛÜatxÜÜÛÛÛÛÞ²ÛÛÛ° °°° ßßßß ÞÛÛÛ ßßßß þÛÛÛÛÛß Ü ßßßßßßß Ü²ÞÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÝ °²ÛÛܲÜÛÛÛÜÜ ßßßþßßßß ßßÞßßßß² ±±°°°°°Ü ßÛÛÛÜÜÛÛ ßßßßßßß ÛÛÛ²ÛÛÛÛÛÜÜÜßÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛßÛÛÛÛÛÛÜÜÛÛÜÜÜÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÜÜ ßßßß ÜÛßÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛܲÜÛÛ²ÛÛß ßß±ßßßßß²ÛÛÛÛ²Ý ÜÛÛÛßþÛÛÛÛÛÝ Ü±²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÞÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛßßßßßßß ßß².%.the hIdden pArty.%. tHe fInAl iNviTati0n August 22-24, 1997. .%. InTROducTIoN .%. In august of the year 1997 the AntIQ party will again B held, in Pecs. We welcome thus all who are interested, boys/gals, youngsters/elders, beginners/masters, and a last, but not least, the fans of RolePlaying Games are sure to find something cool here! This year we'll try 2 do even more fore your enjoyment, we guarantee you the compl8 lack of your disappointment! .%. wHen & wHerE .%. The party will start on the 22.august.97 [friday afterNoooN :)] and come to an end in Sunday morning. The program outline 'll B the standard one: Friday pardeY, Saturday compoes. Address: Ap czai Csere J nos Educational Centre (Nevk¢) 7632, Ap czai Cs. J. sQuArE 1. Phone: +36-72-441-907 Appr0achin' dA pardeYplacE: You'll find the building in the "Kertvaros" part of Pecs. The direct buus lines are the following: number 6, 7, 60, 161, 162, or in times of need, the ones labelled 1, m55 or m89 will bring you here as well. So, it can't be a real problem. Take all of 'em to the last bus stop. [You 'll realize when you are there. The vehicle will suddenly empty, and if you stay there for some minutes more, an angry species of the local fauna, called "a bus driver" will come and hassle you. :)] The building is just 100 meters from there. You'll surely find it. If you wanna come by car, approach the city on the road No.6, take the overpass, and then leave that road at the table pointing towards "Harkany". If you come from the direction of Szigetvar, then l00k out for the other 0vErPaSs, and take it down 2 Kertvaros. If you looze yer way somewhere or get stuck, call the partyplace on the ab0ve numb-R ... .%. 0uR pR0miSeS .%. So let's see, what'll we do 4 ya this time ... þ 2000m2 active partyplace þ a great venue, with perfect acoustics þ huge projector þ quality audio þ voting program þ power Internet access with LAN þ first in the hungarian scene-history we try to make a live ISDN connect with the Crash '97 party, in Canada. Powered by Hungarian Telecom. þ performaces about interesting themes (hackers, how 2 create games) þ fun compo with valuable prizes þ non-stop buffet, with low price þ great party in the theather venue (Vampire's Ball, performances) þ a still, great sleeping room, or dorm, but for the latter, you MUST BOOK IT BEFORE the party! Details later on ... þ movies non-stop .%. EnTrY fEE .%. The entry fee for 3 days is: 808 HUF Free entrance for females is again provided. BUT you'll only B able to vote with a FULL ticket. .%. cOmpOeS .%. þPC Demo - Maximum lenght: 8192Kb - We'll show the demo on the projector for max. 10 minutes - VESA/SVGA modes are allowed (max res. 800x600), and if the music has to go on GUS! - Must be exitable anytime by pressing ESC! þAmiga Demo - Maximum lenght: 8192Kb - We'll show the demo on the projector for max. 10 minutes - Must be exitable anytime by pressing ESC! þ64kb intro (Amiga + PC) - Maximum lenght: 64Kb - We'll show the intro on the projector for max. 7 minutes - On PC the VESA/SVGA modes are allowed (max res. 800x600), and if there's music it has to go on GUS! - Must be exitable anytime by pressing ESC! þPC 4kb intro (Amiga + PC) - Maximum lenght: 4096 byte - We'll show the intro on the projector for max. 5 minutes - VESA/SVGA modes allowed (max res. 800x600) - Must be exitable anytime by pressing ESC! þC64 demo: - Maximum lenght: 2 disks - We'll show the demo on the projector for max. 10 minutes þC64 gfx: - An entirely self-made picture - You must give it to us in executable condition - Demonstration on a C64. þC64 music: - We'll play the music for max. 4 minutes - You must give it to us in executable form - Demonstration on a C64. þGfx (Amiga + PC) - max. 640x480 truecolor or paletted picture, higher resolutions will be reconverted! (ofcoz the original picture will be distributed!) - Only 'drawed', entirely self-made pictures will be accepted - Scanned, ripped pictures will be disqualified - Pictures in common formats will be accepted - Presentation on PC or AMIGA wether you like þRaytrace (Amiga + PC): - max. 640x480 truecolor or paletted picture, higher resolutions will be reconverted! (ofcoz the original picture will be distributed!) - ONLY self-made pictures and objects will be accepted! - Pictures in common formats will be accepted - Presentation on PC or AMIGA wether you like þ4 channel muzax (Amiga + PC): - Max. length: 1024 Kbyte - We'll play the music for max. 4 minutes - Formats: MOD only! - Demonstration on Cubic Player 1.7 or what you want - Midi is not allowed! þMulti channel muzax: - Max. length: 1024 KByte - We'll play the music for max. 4 minutes - Formats: MOD, S3M, XM, IT, DMF, AMS - Demonstration on Cubic Player 1.7 or what you want - Midi's are not allowed! þPC 1k compo: (Original AntIQ compo) - Intro, game or a joke too, but it has to be max. 1024 byte. þBeethoven compo: - You'll have 10 minutes for choosing the instruments, then you'll have to write your music by being deaf in 30 minutes! - Trackers you can choose: ST3.2x, FT2.0x, IT1.0x. þWild compo - wild thing... animation, music, and all others.. (hd, vhs, cd, fd) þLamer demo compo: - Enter on any type of computers (we mean C64, Amiga, PC, or on what you have by you!) - The most important things are jokes, funny ideas, almost everything could be done - but too unassuming demos will be disqualified. - If it's on PC, make it for GUS please! (If it's possible) þFun compo - All the silly things they don't fit into other compos, included out door compos, with valuable prizes. þQuake compo -Deatchmatch with four players... will show on a projector, so the others can enjoy it too... Organized by pGa! crew, more info: .%. cOmpO mAchiNeS .%. PC: Intel Pentium 166Mhz 16 MB RAM PCI S3 Virge 2MB RAM Gravis Ultrasound, 1MB RAM. Amiga: A1200 (68030,50 Mhz) - 2Mb chip + 16Mb fast ram C64: C64/II 1541/II Action Replay MK7 .%. c0ntriButi0N .%. Hand in your contributi0ns on 3.5"HD [PC] and 3.5"DD [Amiga] disks 0NLY!! You must do this BEFORE the c0mpO deadline. You can contribute with any number of producti0ns to any number of compoes, except for musicians, wh0 are only allowed to hand in one ZaK for each respective compO [4ch, multich, c64]. Musix and grafaxes will be pre-selected, so a set max of 15-15 productions will be presented to the publik. No 0rganiZers will contribute to any of the c0mpOes, ofcoz. All contributions should contain a file_id.diz, which contains the followin' datas: þ the stuff is for the AntIQ'97, and this&this compo þ for demos/intros title and group name þ for individual pieces title and alias/gruop is required þ if there's no .diz, we'll provide it with a coolly designed antiq diz. and especially for the demos: attach a !README file, where the special hard/software requirements of the stuff are listed [eg. UNiVBE, EMS, etc.] Contributed stuff will be automatically spread after da party. .%. v0tinG .%. All of you will have an individual voting disk, assissting this hard pr0- cess, which [the disk :)] you have to give back IN TIME, after you made your choice. .%. Third Great Meeting of Hungarian Role Players .%. The Coventus Roleplaying Association announce it's Third Rolerplayer's National Meeting arranged within the scope of AntIQ'97. About the programs: - reviews on several rpgs, discussions, public conversations on the following games: Vampire, Wraith, ArsMagica, Changeling, Mage, Kult, Nephilim, Paranoia, Amber, Earthdawn, Call of Cthulhu, Vampire live, RealGame, and anything you play... - conversations with well-known writers, authors, DM's, experts such as Zsolt Kornya-Raoul Renier, Csan d Nov k, Gergely N dori, Nosferatu... That's all for now, if you would like to get more info about the meeting or about the Association, then please contact Andr s Jakab : (00-36) 72/213-715 .%. miXeD inf0 .%. þ The partyplace will be patrolled by official security guys. þ Security system with cameras þ If you cause any kind of damage, you should pay for that. þ Alcohol on the partyplace are in human quantity allowed. þ No drugs. þ No smoke, except for the backyard. þ Don't drop litter - there'll be dustbins. þ You bring everything on your own responsibility. .%. prizEs .%. About 400.000HUF, in cash and hardware. .%.sponsored by.%. HS Games Rt. Humansoft Inc. San Mateo, California Mat v Rt. Budapesti Srtkes¡t Kft. Frzer Bt. M&M Kft. Fefo Kft. CompTel Kft. Carbocomp Nokia Monitors Hungary .%. cOntact .%. With your questions, demands, or such, contact these dudes: E-MAIL: [email protected] (aboy/d-eyes) [email protected] (dfj/dinasty) [email protected] (htom/dinasty) @-MAIL: Gyrks Bal zs H-7632 Pcs Malter P l u. 76 HUNGARY PHONE: +36-72444629 (Aubert G bor) +36-72449674 (Harth Tam s) +36-72446709 (Gyrks Bal zs) BBS: SCEneT +36-12285921 TNG BBS +36-96414576 WWW: FTP: IRC: #demoscene(after 10 pm), #scene(daily) ...last year only PURPLE MOTION was absent ... signed: the AntIQ organizer staff. The organizers will thank for the help of - Kadas K. G bor - Blondino - Mucsi - Dali - Neutron - Keszler Rolland - - pga! - Jabberwock - Atx - Belo - nevk¢ - Boca -
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