
1897 by Quebarium

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                      888   `88888b.   `Vbood888      .8'
                      888  .8'  ``88b       888'     .8' ----- -- -  -
                      888  `8.   .88P     .88P'     .8'
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                                                                   by Quebarium                 
                   . F-Cycles .:. TronicSynth .:. Intruder .
This demo was first shown at @Party 2012 held in Boston (Massachusetts), USA
on June 16, 2012. Ranked #1 in Wild Demo Category.

This production run on GP2X (model: F100 or F200), we recommend using
GP2X firmwares from GPH or Compatibility mode on Open2X.

Please report any bugs to: [email protected]

                              ---> Greetings <---

  4Mat, Barzoule, Les sucres en morceaux, Optimus, Metoikos, Dr. Claw, Luis,
     Trixter, Madbrain, Phoenix, Blacklight, Coda, Rez, LovCAPONE, Yesso,
          Unkelben, NewColeco, PsychNerd, Algorithm, Med, Keops, ...

                      and everyones present at the event!

              RIP: Gerdinand Braun who in 1897 invented the CRT.

   Vol+        : Increase Volume
   Vol-        : Decrease Volume
   Vol+ & Vol- : Mute/Unmute
   Start       : Pause (Tiny Menu)
   L+R Trigger : Exit

*Tiny-Menu: Allow you to pause/resume, view current screen (camera) and exit.


GP2X / PC Keyset

   Volume -       : Keypad -                  Up-Left   /F200: Keypad 7
   Volume +       : Keypad +                  Up             : Keypad 8
   Left  Trigger  : Keypad /                  Up-Right  /F200: Keypad 9
   Right Trigger  : Keypad *                  Left           : Keypad 4
   A              : HOME                      DPad-Fire /F100: Keypad 5
   Y              : END                       Right          : Keypad 6
   X              : INSERT                    Down-Left /F200: Keypad 1
   B              : PAGE UP                   Down           : Keypad 2
   Select         : DELETE                    Down-Right/F200: Keypad 3
   Start          : PAGE DOWN

                                                   Quebarium - www.quebarium.co