
Emotion by Epinicion

Epinicion Productions 1994 Emotion MusicDisc

At long last, Epinicion's second musicdisc is finally here!  We hope you'll
like this package very much, and notice the extreme difference in quality
between our first production, Alpha Omega, and this one.  For all of those
that have claimed Epinicion would be nothing more than another lame fly by
night group, we'll you're wrong.  Half a year later, we're still growing,
still composing, and still proving that we are reality.


Any questions, commments, criticism, and so forth can be directed to us on
the Internet at [email protected], or our support board at [619] 484-1133,
or in Internet Relay Chat channels #epi, #trax, or #ansi.


WARNING: This musicdisc comes in two parts, EMOTION1.ZIP and EMOTION2.ZIP.  If
         you obtain these files in any other form, DELETE THEM.