
Formula 1 Turbo

              __,        .-------------------.                     __,
    _ _.--'-n_/          |  Formula-1 TURBO  |           _ _.--'-n_/
  -(_)------(_)=         `-------------------'         -(_)------(_)=


  * Level of difficulty increases as time passes
  * Full scoring capability, score always displayed
  * Opponent cars controlled via True Artificial Intelligence(tm)
  * Sound effects (sampled from my lawn mower)
  * Quiet mode (No need to alert your boss!)
  * Two different car graphics (hand scanned directly from a real formula 1)
  * Feel the road with that famous Lotus(tm) suspension
  * Smooth steering via the shift keys (No need to buy an expensive joystick)
  * You are the only car on the track with a turbo charger!
  * 20+ frames per second (on a 386-16 or better)
  * Auto speed adjust for different CPUs (Makes 386 seem just as fast as 586)
  * Very playable (Fun)
  * Written in 100% assembly language (Commented source code available)
  * Well behaved program with clean exit to DOS
  * Entire game is only 256 bytes! (NASCAR-CD? Who needs it?)


  F1-TURBO was developed for the 256 byte game challange posted to the
  Internet in the rec.games.programmer group.  It was my intention to
  develop a fun game to play, not simply a minimal "game" in 256 bytes.
  For me, to be a game there must be a way to keep score and the game
  must get harder as you continue to play.

System Requirements

  F1-TURBO requires an IBM PC (or compatible) running DOS and a EGA (or 
  better) color screen.  It must be run in screen mode 3 (80 column color).
  Before running F1-TURBO it may be necessary to type MODE CO80 at your 
  DOS prompt.  You'll also need a keyboard to control your car and an 
  internal speaker to hear the sound effects.

Running F1-TURBO

  F1-TURBO has one optional command line parameter.  If you wish to run
  with the full sound effects type:  F1-TURBO and press the enter key.
  If you prefer to run without the sound effects, at the DOS prompt simply 
  type:  F1-TURBO Q and press the enter key.  After pressing the enter key, 
  you will be immediately be placed in control of your new formula one 
  race car with turbo charger!

Controlling F1-TURBO

  F1-TURBO is controlled by use of the left and right shift keys.  The 
  object of the game is to avoid opponent cars (blue) and keep your race 
  car (red) on the track for as long as possible.


  Your current score is always displayed in the lower right corner of your
  screen.  At the beginning of the game your score is initialized to:  A 
  and increases through the alphabet as the game continues.

Ending the Game

  The game ends when the your race car collides with another car or the 
  side of the race track.

  When the game ends, your final score will still be displayed.

Source Code

  Fully commented source code for F1-TURBO will be sent (via return 
  e-mail) to anyone who e-mails me to tell me how great my game is!

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begin 644 f1-turbo.com
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?=-QPMW SR;I/&,T0NP( ,]*T LT0M C-$#P@N-L)PW#>

----------- cut here ------------------- f1-turbo.uue ---------------

The text file you are reading (F1-TURBO.TXT) and the attached 
F1-TURBO.COM file are copyright 1995, 1996 by David S. Issel.  

Formula-1 TURBO may be freely distributed as long as proper credit is 

I hope that you have as much fun playing this as I had writing it!

                                                ([email protected])