
Ibiza by Poets of Bombay


          yEs! INDIA nombur 1! falcon030 cru are bake!

witf anhother new demO 4 falcon030!! yEs wee knopw yOu hav ben whait 4
2oo longe.  BUt.  wE haf armi  sevice  2 stop thos nachty Pakistanis -
wee wil nukem! wee wil!!!





must thnx 2o the grate eaRl grEy - hay man! U tast so fyne!!!!!




      giGA fukx 2o Bil Cliton nd al hes merrican whorse!!!!!!!!!

              [donut 4get 2o cheq oyr Komand&Konker gam:
                     "Sikh & Destroy" (neds FBU)]


Ths es an office notic to  YoU!  yOu!  yoU!  wee knew who YOU ar.  wee
knew tham elephant woman nd what tham doo witf thir yoni!

Wee knew tham woman witf tham  bigbreast  tham donut putt tham cloths.
tham waulk in nd outt witf tham  yoni nd bigbreast twinkin at tham man
- ITIS the dival act in oyr tyme.   Nd tHam witf bigbreast nd big yoni
tham haf ben nachty  on  the  bords.  tHam  bigbreast  inly witf tinny
cloths so tham nippless pop outt  nd  oyr  lingam es ful nd engorgd on
tham bigbreast - ITIS the dival! wee  tham  se nd bigbreast se nd yoni
thnk wee ar temp-ted bi bigbreast  tham rubbin agent tham tinny cloths
tham popless whon oyr face es  in  tham,  BUT. wee wil resisT! wee wil
nact bee takn bi tham  bigbreast  Hastini  elephant  woman nor bi tham
perttbreast Mrigi woman tham who stant att tham dor nd who lok in tham
stret nd tlk all-waz witf tham  naybur  housbond. thAm woman actor wif
tham es all-waz nacty witf tham  yoni,  nd runnen tham aftr n-e lingam
tham kan.  aS vAtsyAyAnA wroten

'a women false en lofv witf averry  handsum  man shee ses, nd so do-es
averry man at the se ovf a bootyful women,"

hee was rit! hee know what  it  es  in divalland ovf tham yoni-clappin
woman, ful ovf bound bigbreast outt ovf tinny cloths.  thaM ohtr woman
tham satanis spurm,  tham  woman  nd  woman  witf bigbreast toe-gathr.
Tham rubbin tham bigbreast witf tham perttbreast tham yonis clinkin nd
rubbin - ITIS tham dival! darth to tham! darth 2o tham elephant rubbrs
witf tham flappi cloths tham tht  se  tham  yoni whn tham sitt in wee.
thAm jaghana 2o jaghana rubbin  nd  thrubin,  defolin the posichon ovf
wif ofv Indrani, usin  tham  unguent  en  the yawning posichon bee-coz
tham ar so nachty nd eveel.   tham  tht  kanut doe the congris ofv the
cow witf-outten tham usen nacty plast-tik lingum thingum tham tht mows
verri hott.  tham eveel woman usen  plast-tik lingum toe-gathr tham ar
the dival! tham most dye! tham  most  bee  stopted tham yonis geven 2o
god lingum man.  inly whon tham  ar bounded witf bigbreast 2o housbond
than tham kan bee god.

eN Gramaneri tham man knew tham yoni es  4 tham god man, tham haf toe-
gathr the yoni ofv tham wif that  es  god tru way.  tham aven haf tham
looer congris tham nact toe-gathr BUT.  witf tham wif tham stric Phut!
Phat! Sut! Plat! it es  the  tru  way.   tham kan usen Auparishtaka en
tham wif nact witf tham eveel  monika  looensy, suken tham mango fruit
ofv tham nacty pressidnt, nd shee es  nact aven an unch! hee dead nact
listeen 2o the holly ritt ofv  Dharma  Shastras,  hee sud haf usen hes
wif Hilaryus.

now yoU most starten the demO  nd  follo  the lawz of Dharma Shastras.
wee ar preyin witf yoU agant tham yoni flappi woman.  nuKem! nuKem!

                   [email protected]

