Beyond the sea by Control Unit
BeyOnd the Sea Copyright (C) 1997 - CONTROL UNiT final vrs. þ Credits Aragorn Design Code GFx Digital Warrior Music Midas Player by Sahara Surfers þ Stuff . This intro is not to be run under WinDoze (thanks to Midas) . To run with manual sound setup try "BTSEA anyparameter" . This intro requires 512k of XMS memory (pressing F5 at the boot menu of WinDoze should make it, in this case you'll have to manually configure your sound hardware, because there ain't any environment variables (that's by them that Midas does autodetection) þ Additional greets The following ppl hasn't been included in the intro greets, I'll say ciao to them here: Phoenix/Spinning Kids [what's your name ? Bean!] Feymour/Tequila [vuoi un trancino? :) ] Surfing [Meno male che c'e' qualcuno che movimenta un po' it.comp.demos. Surf, il + kasinaro] nAo [i coders amighisti kikkano! :) ] Mat/tBt Tanis Enfis/Medieval All #demo-ita's fellows and brothers and a particular greet to #demo-ita's women: Susanna Enya LadyJane Every1 I forgot.... Sorry.... þ Contact e-mail : [email protected] [email protected] http :
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