Jurassic Pack #15 by Scarab [web] & Moods Plateau [web]
.... NO! ... ... MNO! ... ..... MNO!! ...................... MNNOO! ... ..... MMNO! ......................... MNNOO!! . .. MNOONNOO! MMMMMMMMMMPPPOII! MNNO!!!! . ... !O! NNO! MMMMMMMMMMMMMPPPOOOII!! NO! .... ...... ! MMMMMMMMMMMMMPPPPOOOOIII! ! ... ........ MMMMMMMMMMMMPPPPPOOOOOOII!! ..... ........ MMMMMOOOOOOPPPPPPPPOOOOMII! ... ....... MMMMM.. OPPMMP .,OMI! .... ...... MMMM:: o.,OPMP,.o ::I!! ... warning: .... NNM:::.,,OOPM!P,.::::!! .... nuclear .. MMNNNNNOOOOPMO!!IIPPO!!O! ..... released the day ... MMMMMNNNNOO:!!:!!IPPPPOO! .... fallout may .. MMMMMNNOOMMNNIIIPPPOO!! ...... after EC exploded!! ...... MMMONNMMNNNIIIOO! ......... happen ....... MN MOMMMNNNIIIIIO! OO .......... ......... MNO! IiiiiiiiiiiiI OOOO ........... ...... NNN.MNO! . O!!!!!!!!!O . OONO NO! ........ .... MNNNNNO! ...OOOOOOOOOOO . MMNNON! ....... ...... MNNNNO! .. PPPPPPPPP .. MMNON! ....... ...... OO! ................. ON! ....... ................................ . ________ . _\ _ _ /_ .:............... __ | (oO) | __ ..............:. : : __\//)__| |___(\\/__ : : _: ____________________ __\ /: o :\ /__ _____________________ :_ |/ \\(_________ __________)// \| | j.u.r.a.s.s.i.c |________| p.a.c.k. 15 ! ! _____ _____ _________ ________ _____ ____ ____ _________ : / /__ / /__\___ /__\____ \\ _/______\ _/______\___)_\ __ / _____ / / (/ / \ / / \ (/ / \_____ / \____ / / /__/_ \ (/ /_ / /_ /____/ / /_ (/ /_ (/ /_ /_ / / _______\________\______\ _____________\__________\_________\_____\_______/ ____/ _________ __________ _________ ______ . ____\__ /_\____ / \ __ / \ /_____ ¡ _|_______________\ (/ / (/ / /___/_ / /_______________| |\ / /____/ / /_ / /_ \ \ /| _|_____________/_______\ _ ____________\___________\_____\ \_____________|_ ! \______\ vK^aWe| : | ; mOODS pLATEAU & [S]carab together casted a magic spell on | : | : Jurassic Pack#15 | : | :_ ___ ____________________________________________________ _ _| |( reLEASE iNfo (___))__________________________________________________((_))| | | | | | Code by StingRay/[S]carab&Scoopex ([email protected]) | | & Xeron of Iris ([email protected]) | | | | Panels by Dan Dee/Scarab | | | | Section cliparts by: Da Freak/Moods Plateau | | Cliparts by Titus/Rabenauge, Skan/Dream Merchants & Google.de ;-) | | | | Titlepics: Bridgeclaw ([email protected]) & Zoom/Conspiracy | | and endpic by Pix/Scenic (as a sort of tradition) | | | | MagTunes: Curt Cool, Mice, Raztaman, Coma, Esau, Mortimer Twang | | | | Nfo file by Vouck of aRiD wEED & Drifters ([email protected]) | | | | file_id.diz by Punk - friendship logo by Sk!n & Amblin | | | | | |_ ___ _________________________________________________________ _ _| |( cOnTACt (___))_______________________________________________________((_))| | | | | | Editor in Chief: Ghandy/Moods Plateau & [S]carab aka | | Lars Sobiraj, Mindener Str. 5, 40227 Duesseldorf, Germany | | email: [email protected] - phone: ++49-(0)211-6174102 | | | | CoEditor: Selectanovel/Moods Plateau & Gnumpf Posse ([email protected]) | | D!rt!e/Moods Plateau ([email protected]) | | Strife/Apathy ([email protected]) | | Kasle ([email protected]) | | Kaosmaster & Browallia | | | | Additional support by: Dipswitch, Darkus, Dalton, all Drifters members | |_ ___ _________________________________________________________ _ _| |( plz note(___))_______________________________________________________((_))| | | | | | Gfx Cards are supported. Please note that JP was designed for pal highres. | | So it might look strange in another resolution. | | | | | | | | Amiga One/OS 4.0b lovers: | | | | Amiga1/Amiga OS.4.0 users please disable the music - then JP works! | | Config doesn`t change? Erase config file & save it again. And: Don`t panic!| | (as Douglas Adams would say it) Sorry, no chance 4 Pegasos users right now.| | | | | | | | M$ Wind0ws/Emulator users please read this: | | | |JP does work on WinUae but we`re not responsible for any bugs occuring then!| | Please don`t mail us with Amiga kickrom requests, they`re copyrighted by | | Cloanto. Abuse your donkey (emule or compatible) instead... | | | | A completely installed system 4 WinALL with Wb3.9& tools (amigaforever.com)| | costs $29.95 as a leechable Online Edition. This solution could | | be interesting for beginners that never used this piece of hardware before.| | | | For getting the true feeling use a real Amiga, they`re not expensive | | at Ebay or other auction sites in the net anymore! | | | :\___________________________________________________________________ _ ____/: ...aNd aLwAyS rEmEmBeR - tHe mOmeNt Of tErrOr iS tHe bEgInNiNg Of lIvE ______________ ____ ______________________ __________ ___ ____ _______ / _______ _)____) ________ \___ \/ _____/ | \(____)_____ \ _/ __) ¬ \_ \_ _)_|__ | \_ | \__ \_ \_ \_ _____/ \ | | | / / | / | / : / | / | / / | \ ___: |___:___ /___ /______ /__:___ /______ /______ /__:___ /___ /__: \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ - -- ---» tHe oNlY wAy tO Be «--- -- -
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