Aphrodisiae by Haujobb
Short: Haujobb : Aphrodisiae (final) 1st at MS'98 Author: Haujobb (address inside) Version: Final, bugs-fixed, a4000 proper. Type: demo/aga h a u j o b b international a p h r o d i s i a e final version, (sound)bugs fixed - - This demo took part in democompo at mekka-symposium in Fallingbostel, Germany, taking home the first price. Once more, thanks to the wonderful partyaudience. - About this version, there were some soundproblems with p61 player that occured on a4000, they are now hopefully fixed. If you notice some bugs - please mail darken about them at ([email protected]) Things concerning haujobb: [email protected] (owl) or [email protected] (jazz) c r e d i t s : darken - coding kidlove - titlelogo jcs - main gfx muffler - main & end modules owl - direction - read the scroller for more info. haujobb will return.
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