
Air Combat by Contraz [web]

Short:        Aircombat By Contraz, Wild! [1/9]
Author:       Micro/CTZ (Asle Rognlien)
Type:         demo/tg96
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

               .                      .               .
            __/|__ ______ ______ ____/|______________/|____
        \ \\\_ ___)\_ _ _)\_ _ _)___  __) _  \_   _)____  /// /
            /  |___/  |  \/  |  \  /  |/ _/  /__|  \/  __/\
           /   !   \  !   \  |   \/   |  \  < \__   \  !   \.
        .::\_______/______/__¦___/___ |_/ \  \__¦___/____  /::.
      >>==================== . ===== \| == \__\ . =======\/====<<

           Winner Wild Contribution at The Gathering 1996!

         Just pack all the Archives into a drawer and Run it!

    By the way... This WildCompo requires 8 MB fast memory. It's NOT
  an essencial need, but you don't have to use the DiskAnim mode then.

       >>> Watch out for AirCombat 2 on a computer near you. <<<

    The author of this animation does not have an e-mail adresse, so
 if you want to get in contact for any reason, you'll have to send the
 e-mail to me ([email protected]) and I'll then forward it to the right person.