
Keftedes by optimus

Keftedes means meatballs in greek..

    Just before August, several stupid things happened in my life that made me change my plans..
    My PC was disconnected, I had to study from July, now I decided to study for my own sake cause I am very close to the end.
    So, this demo is not exactly as I planned to ( + 3d engine, some design) and I also had to abandon all my other demo projects.
    It was my most precious though, even if it seems just like a bunch of effects, cause I HAD to support freebasic with this! =)

    The exam results after September might speak about my future, then I will most possibly go to the army (at the beginning of 2006).
    The scene will miss me but I will be fine, taking a break for 1 year and then coming back with an independent life for more democoding (The scene has me)

    I am wondering whether I can finish some of my abandoned plans before the army. If so, then these will be a GP32 demo and some 8bit coding (CPC > C64)


	[email protected]

		p.s. what a lame note ;P
		p.p.s. Set lowres to 1 and recompile for 320*240
		p.p.p.s. Or, I may provide both hi/low and Gfxlib2/SDL executables in the final..