Power Up by Extreme Entertainment
M e g a C o d e E X T R E M E -> P O W E R U P <- revision 2.00 In this version removed some bugs and accelerated six parts with new variation of effects. This demo was written specially for Enlight'97 ZX demo competition. We hope you are fully satisfied by our work. Demo consists 2 main parts, 3 sound tracks, 9 hand drawing pictures, 21 effects, 172 frames (528384 bytes) of realtime loading anims created in Amiga's CINEMA 4D. RequirementZ: - Pentagon 128K or INT-compatible - 71680 clocks per INT - YAMAHA YM2149F sound chip for more perfect sound - TR-DOS v5.03+ for successful playing amimation disk must be formatted in ADS2.0i or compatible with 'Hi Speed' mode for correctly speed playing (in unpacked second part RAM Bank #13: POKE #FC00,#C9 ; POKE #FC03,#C9 for disable anim playing on non TR-DOS systems.) - 3.5+ MHz CPU frequency - 1.75 MHz sound chip frequency If you have wait computer some partz will look like shit! CreditZ: coding - Exploder (ex-VAV) handdrawing: PowerUP logo - Snake Deep Space - Snake After The Storm - TeeRay Crashed Clocks - Snake Keep Distance - Snake The X-Files - TeeRay Empty Shaft - TeeRay Space Warrior - Snake Paradise - TeeRay music: Narcotic Trance - Visual Mad Dog - Visual Lost Love - Visual textures - Exploder rendering: 'PowerUP enjoy v5' - Exploder poetry - Sat crunching - Exploder - Mac Buster loader - Exploder Quick System Test - Sat 3bit plane pix from AMMY conv - Exploder Special thanks for Mike BLUM & MagiC for HELP & moral support. Software Uzed: ZX: - MASM v1.1 - STS v3.3 & v4.1 - ArtStudio 128 - Sound Tracker Pro - Code Cruncher v3.11 - PCD v6.01 AMIGA: - PPaint v6.4 - 7.1 - CINEMA 4D v4.0 - DPaint v5.0 - Clouds v1.0 - Super View v5.41 I had to write a completely new c2p algorythm. contact with Exploder: Alexey Veresov Mira st. 74-41 Vladimir, 600007 Russia phone: +7 (0922) 29-04-25 e-mail: [email protected] S E E Y A . . . // \\// AMIGA RuleZ!!! Final Release Date: 270897¾
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