
inspiration by Reality [web]

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 ³	       ß\ ß\  ß\     ß\  ß\ ß\	     ß\     ß\	     ß\ 	     ³
 ³	       ß\  ß\ ßßßßß\ ß\  ß\ ßßßßß\ ßßßßß\   ß\	 ßßßß\		     ³
 ³									     ³
 ³									     ³
 ³				    PRESENTS				     ³
 ³									     ³
 ³			      I N S P I R A T I O N			     ³
 ³									     ³
 ³				       -*-				     ³
 ³									     ³
 ³		   Produced by: 		  Directed by:		     ³
 ³									     ³
 ³		 Special Effects:		 Cinematography:	     ³
 ³		     SHAYDE			      ROGUE		     ³
 ³									     ³
 ³	       Musical Composition:		     Visuals		     ³
 ³	       VOID & RANDOM VOICE		      ROGUE		     ³
 ³									     ³
 ³				    Locations:				     ³
 ³			      NEW ZEALAND & AUSTRALIA			     ³
 ³									     ³
 ³		    Subtitles:			   Inspired by: 	     ³
 ³		  ROGUE & SHAYDE		  JACK DANIELS! :-D	     ³
 ³									     ³
 ³				     Casting:				     ³
 ³				  ROGUE & SHAYDE			     ³
 ³									     ³
 ³		      Grip:			    Colour by:		     ³
 ³		      GETTA			   SuperVGA Ltd.	     ³
 ³									     ³
 ³									     ³
 ³	      The soundtrack is available at a ripper's BBS near you!        ³
 ³									     ³
 ³									     ³
 ³				       -*-				     ³
 ³									     ³
 ³									     ³
 ³		      THIS IS OUR ENTRY INTO AUSCOMP '94!!!                  ³
 ³									     ³
 ³									     ³
 ³				       -*-				     ³
 ³									     ³
 ³									     ³
 ³  Requirements:							     ³
 ³									     ³
 ³		    * 486 or better - will NOT work on 386 or less!	     ³
 ³									     ³
 ³		    * 530K free conventional memory			     ³
 ³									     ³
 ³		    * VLB or fast ISA VGA-compatible graphics card	     ³
 ³									     ³
 ³				       -*-				     ³
 ³									     ³
 ³  Required for music: 						     ³
 ³									     ³
 ³		    * SoundBlaster or compatible			     ³
 ³									     ³
 ³		    * 128K of free EMS, XMS or "raw" extended memory         ³
 ³									     ³
 ³									     ³
 ³				       -*-				     ³
 ³									     ³
 ³									     ³
 ³  Execution instructions:						     ³
 ³									     ³
 ³    Use a sharp axe!	Heh heh!  Er, simply run the executable.  INSPIR-    ³
 ³    ATION uses a SoundBlaster auto-detection routine but in case my lame   ³
 ³    code cannot detect your particular SB then you can force INSPIRATION   ³
 ³    to use, for example, Port 240h, interrupt 5, DMA 3 by running the      ³
 ³    intro with the following parameters:				     ³
 ³									     ³
 ³		       INSPIRAT 453					     ³
 ³									     ³
 ³    ie. use the second digit of the port no. for the first character, and  ³
 ³    the interrupt and DMA numbers following.	Note: this will cause	     ³
 ³    INSPIRATION to use these values REGARDLESS of whether there is a	     ³
 ³    valid SB there or not - if you use erroneous command line parameters   ³
 ³    then the intro will almost certainly crash or hang-up on you.  Hey     ³
 ³    sure, I know this is a lame command line interface but why does an     ³
 ³    intro need one?  You will rarely need to use the above parameters as   ³
 ³    it is.  As for GUS owners - well, sorry guys.  I know it's lame not    ³
 ³    to support this nice card these days but I have absolutely NO access   ³
 ³    to a GUS so there is no easy way for me to test the intro with GUS.    ³
 ³    I suspect you won't be able to use your SB emulations either as the    ³
 ³    intro runs in a tightly controlled protected-mode environment.	     ³
 ³    Note: the SB autodetect assumes the DMA port is 1 so use the above     ³
 ³    command line override if your DMA port is not 1.			     ³
 ³									     ³
 ³									     ³
 ³									     ³
 ³									     ³
 ³  Implementation notes:						     ³
 ³									     ³
 ³    As already mentioned, INSPIRATION runs in a 486 protected mode	     ³
 ³    environment.  The intro uses TRAN/RENAISSANCE's excellent PMODE        ³
 ³    and so can be run under raw, XMS and EMS/VCPI environments.  It does   ³
 ³    NOT run under DPMI - intros need SPEED!!! 			     ³
 ³									     ³
 ³    INSPIRATION has also been written specifically for 486 machines.	     ³
 ³    Why?  Well the 386 does support the same modes and instruction set as  ³
 ³    the 486 (or maybe that should be the other way around! :-) but the     ³
 ³    486 is a lot more efficient and a lot of the routines used in this     ³
 ³    intro require a lot of calculation time.	 All my mates own 486s and   ³
 ³    you'd be lucky if you can buy brand-new 386s these days so all our     ³
 ³    productions will be 486 only.  This means that we can use a base-line  ³
 ³    system to implement our productions against and know that if the	     ³
 ³    routine looks smooth on our machines, it'll look smooth on most other  ³
 ³    486s around.  Can you tell we are ex-Amiga dudes?! :-)  Although I     ³
 ³    do run most of the paths in this intro using machine-independent	     ³
 ³    interrupt handlers, on a 386 everything will judder so badly it won't  ³
 ³    be worth watching.  Most 486s also have fast VLB SVGA cards these      ³
 ³    days too so I assume that a fast card is being used.  It doesn't have  ³
 ³    to be VLB - I only have an ISA card but it seems to run at almost VLB  ³
 ³    speeds (Trident 8900D TrueColour).				     ³
 ³									     ³
 ³    This intro was developed on three different machine configurations     ³
 ³    (mainly 'cos my machine is being fixed!  PCs have gotta be one of the  ³
 ³    most UNRELIABLE machines around, man!).  They were:		     ³
 ³									     ³
 ³		 * 486SX33, fast ISA VGA, 2 Meg RAM, ThunderBoard	     ³
 ³		 * 486SX33, SLOW ISA VGA, 4 Meg RAM, no soundcard	     ³
 ³		 * 486DX25, fast ISA VGA, 2 Meg RAM, ThunderBoard	     ³
 ³									     ³
 ³    It has also been run on Rogue's 486DX2/66, 4 Meg RAM, Fast VLB-VGA,    ³
 ³    SB16 and works perfectly.  Lemme know if you have problems with your   ³
 ³    configuration; I may not be able to fix it but I'll know for future    ³
 ³    productions, ta!							     ³
 ³									     ³
 ³    INSPIRATION also uses TinyPlay written by Pelusa/Psychic Monks.  This  ³
 ³    is a 32-bit p-mode 4 & 8 channel MOD player originally written for     ³
 ³    use under DOS4GW.  This is an awesome piece of source-code and does    ³
 ³    SB DMA exactly how I was trying (unsuccessfully) to do it; use the     ³
 ³    DMA interrupt to run the MOD player as well as updating the DMA	     ³
 ³    buffer - no more having your timer interrupt stolen from you to play   ³
 ³    the MOD, or having to worry about polling.  If you have a Vertical     ³
 ³    Blanking Interrupt on your timer then you can start the MOD player     ³
 ³    going and never have to worry about it again.  Ahhh, the good ol'      ³
 ³    days on Amiga, eh?!  :-)						     ³
 ³									     ³
 ³    INSPIRATION was written in 100% assembler and assembled under	     ³
 ³    TASM 3.1 and linked under TLINK 5.something.  It was not debugged      ³
 ³    with anything cos there aren't any p-mode debuggers around!!! :-(  I   ³
 ³    have started one (it debugs real-mode at present) but I ran out of     ³
 ³    time to do any more on it.  This is also our first production on the   ³
 ³    PC (we're a former Amiga demo group) so there is bound to be an        ³
 ³    occasional glitchy - an inevitable outcome of trying to manhandle PC   ³
 ³    into doing Amiga techniques.  I definitely learnt that PC archi-	     ³
 ³    tecture is lame as but oh what speed!  Hey, I'm converted! :-)  And    ³
 ³    where would the world be without DOOM?! :-D  (I still think Amiga AGA  ³
 ³    can do it though).  I also learnt that TASM is a CRAP development      ³
 ³    environment!!  Why do most coding tools on PC have to operate from     ³
 ³    the DOS prompt?!	Why hasn't anyone released a decent integrated       ³
 ³    assembler p-mode development system?  There are heaps of 'em on        ³
 ³    Amiga!  But hey, Amiga is boring these days.  That's why I use PC!     ³
 ³									     ³
 ³									     ³
 ³  On Reality: 							     ³
 ³									     ³
 ³    Whoa!  Metaphysical topic ahoy! :-)  Reality is a PC demo group and    ³
 ³    we currently have four members:					     ³
 ³									     ³
 ³		*  ROGUE: artist, cool dude	    (Australia) 	     ³
 ³									     ³
 ³		* SHAYDE: coder, cool dude	    (New Zealand)	     ³
 ³									     ³
 ³		*   MYTH: artist, cool dude	    (New Zealand)	     ³
 ³									     ³
 ³	   NEW: *   VOID: musician, cool dude	    (Australia) 	     ³
 ³									     ³
 ³	   NEW: * CASPYR: coder, cool dude	    (New Zealand)	     ³
 ³									     ³
 ³    Anyone who remembers us from our Amiga days, we are the original	     ³
 ³    members.	You may remember Rogue as Bad Grafix - I also used to put    ³
 ³    down that I was also a musician but I've given up on finding the time  ³
 ³    to develop on it! :-(  But strangely, we seem to have an abundance of  ³
 ³    cool dudes!  Tis a popular occupation in Reality!  We could say we've  ³
 ³    been going for four years now, but we were only active for two of      ³
 ³    'em!                                                                   ³
 ³									     ³
 ³    Here is a list of our productions (that I can remember! :-):	     ³
 ³									     ³
 ³	 Amiga: 							     ³
 ³									     ³
 ³	 NAME		 DATE (approx.)  SHORT DESCRIPTION		     ³
 ³	 CLI-Scroller	 5/5/91 	 sinus scroller for CLI screen	     ³
 ³	 KiwiCrap	 ?/6/91 	 our first full length demo	     ³
 ³	 Pack Intro	 ?/7/91 	 with customiser for putting on pax  ³
 ³	 Non-DOS menu	 ?/8/91 	 for loading demos without OS	     ³
 ³	 LCP demo	 ?/9/91 	 * never finished		     ³
 ³	 C64 game disk	 ?/9/91 	 * never finished - binary compiler  ³
 ³	 DirtCheap	 ?/10/91	 * never finished - demo (bad time!) ³
 ³	 Party Invite	 ?/1/92 	 piss-up intro, produced in a day!   ³
 ³	 Non-DOS viewer  ?/2/92 	 * not finished - for our OZ guyz    ³
 ³	 Tiny Intro	 ?/3/92 	 for putting on non-DOS disks	     ³
 ³	 Intro writer	 ?/3/92 	 writes intros to non-DOS disks      ³
 ³	 Pack Intro	 ?/4/92 	 with customiser for putting on pax  ³
 ³	 Contravention	 ?/5/92 	 Demo - 1st 144 face glenz on Amiga! ³
 ³									     ³
 ³									     ³
 ³	 PC:								     ³
 ³									     ³
 ³	 NAME		 DATE (approx.)  SHORT DESCRIPTION		     ³
 ³	 ORGASM 	 Nov 93 	 ORiGinal ASseMbler! Basic 8086 asm  ³
 ³	 DOOM extractor  April 94	 Extracts items from .WAD files      ³
 ³	 Asm data maker  May 94 	 Converts raw files to DD/DB cmds    ³
 ³	 PCX to RAW	 June 94	 Converts PCX/PCC to raw images      ³
 ³	 Squasher	 June 94	 Forces aspect 1:1 on gfx progs      ³
 ³	 INSPIRATION	 July 94	 I forget! ;-)			     ³
 ³	 ############### working on it	 Commercial development 	     ³
 ³	 ?????????	 4th quarter 94  Our first full-length PC demo!      ³
 ³									     ³
 ³									     ³
 ³ Greetz:								     ³
 ³									     ³
 ³   All of youse guyz! :-)  Well, read the scroller in the intro for	     ³
 ³   group greets.  Otherwise, a big YO to all the dewdz we are in regular   ³
 ³   contact with on the boards.					     ³
 ³									     ³
 ³									     ³
 ³ Contact:								     ³
 ³									     ³
 ³   'ERE!  Get away from me!  Doncha know there's an AIDS epidemic?! ;-)    ³
 ³   Hey, wot would a text file be without a laaaame joke?! :-( 	     ³
 ³									     ³
 ³   Okay, contact addresses are on the tag end of the intro.  Internet      ³
 ³   addresses are:							     ³
 ³									     ³
 ³	     [email protected]!!			     ³
 ³									     ³
 ³   Dunno 'bout Oz but here in NZ, boards charge so much for Internet       ³
 ³   access it's cheaper just to grab an offline mailer and call a free      ³
 ³   board in the states!  I can't afford THAT either!!!                     ³
 ³									     ³
 ³									     ³
 ³ Bye-bye!								     ³
 ³									     ³
 ³   Time to go!  Stay refridgerated, freakz!  Till our next kick-ass	     ³
 ³   production!							     ³
 ³									     ³
 ³									     ³
 ³									     ³
 ³ Shayde 3/8/94 (That's 3rd August for you Yanks! ;-)                       ³
 ³    for Reality, Australasia's finest!                                     ³
 ³									     ³