
Decadentia by Sector Omega [web] & Stravaganza [web]

  S E C T O R   O M E G A      -      S T R A V A G A N Z A

   D     E     C     A     D     E     N     T     I     A


            . Yero    / Sector Omega : Direction, graphics
            . JosSs   / Sector Omega : Soundtrack
            . Ithaqua / Stravaganza  : Code


            OpenGL 1.2 compatible video card.
            Some parts will crawl if it doesn't have a
            decent wireframe mode support.
            Antialiasing heavily recommended.


            For bugs, please run "decadentia.exe -log" and
            send the log.txt to ithaqua()stravaganza()org

            For other issues:

            Yero  : [email protected]
            JosSs : [email protected]


            Bass sound library, FreeImage library,
            unique rar library, Lev Povalahev's extgl,
            Iconian Fonts (Alien League TTF)

              ifparty . Valencia . Spain . 2004