Copper Showdown Editor by Akronyme Analogiker & Finity Games
: : |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| : : _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ __ __ _____ _____ | _ | | | __ | | | | | | | __| | | -| -| | | | | |_ _| | | | __| |__|__|__|__|__|__|_____|_|___| |_| |_|_|_|_____| _____ _____ _____ __ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ | _ | | | _ | | | | __| | | | __| __ | | | | | | | |__| | | | |- -| -| __| -| |__|__|_|___|__|__|_____|_____|_____|_____|__|__|_____|__|__| Quite a drag in the compo! : : |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| : : PRODUCT NAME : ................................... Copper Showdown Editor GROUP : ...................................... Akronyme Analogiker COMPETITION : ........................................................ - PARTY : ................................................ Gerp 2025 PLATFORM : ................................................ Amiga OCS RELEASE DATE : ............................................... 31.01.2025 CODE : ..................................................... mop2 EXAMPLES : .................................................. greippi IDEA : ......................... Greippi/Demoscene Passivist/mop2 : : |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| : : This is the first alpha release of copper showdown editor. A live coding environment trying to provide an environment for a copper showdown were people might compete against each other on stage. The idea arised at Revision 2024 and is now at a stage were it is somewhat useable. Right now the LUA API is barely existent so turnaround times to create an effect are too high. We try to make this a community effort. So if you are also interested to make a copper showdown reality, please get in touch using the gitlab project or join our discord: : : |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| : : SUCCESSFULLY TESTED ON (*** recommended): ***........................................................ Windows 10/11 ***........................................................ Mac ARM/Intel ***...................................................... Linux ARM/Intel : : |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| : : REGARDS FLY OUT TO: ........ the "glorious never again reached" Trackers 5711, Alcatraz, Alpha Raid, Amagi, Architects, Attention Whore, Evvvvil, Haujobb, Level 90, Mecki Peiselulli, Poo-Brain, 0B5VR, Schnappsgirls, Slay Bells, Trigger, TRSI, XAYAX ................... : : |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| : : RESPECT TO: Alcatraz ..... Archee ..... ASD ..... CNCD .... Conspiracy .... Fairlight Farbrausch ...... FRequency ..... lft ...... Loonies ..... MFX ...... Orb Outracks ..... Plastic ..... PWP ..... Rebels ..... RGBA ... Synesthetics Still .......... TBC .......... TBL .......... TRSI ........ United Force
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