Blurred Notes by artwork
Short: Blurred Notes by Artwork 1/2 Author: Artwork Uploader: Skull/Eremation (original by [email protected]) Type: demo/sound __ ____ ____ __ _/\\//\_ __ _____________\ /______ | \/ \/ | | | /\_|___/\____ /\____/\_ _ ___/\_____/\____ /\__|__ \_ _ _/\___ ¬\\_ __/\_ Y Y _/\_ _ _/\___ ¬\\_ Y ¬\ / _| ¬\/ _| / / ¬\ / | | ¬\/ | ¬\/ _| // | _/ __ /. \_ \ \_ ¯\ \ | | \ | \ \_ ¯\ _ ¯\ __ /\_\ // .:| \\:| \\.: \\.:l l \\:l \\:| \\.:| \\ /\_\ .::\/_/::\____| //_| //__ //_______ //____ //_| //__| //::\/_/::. oS!l___/ l___/ \/ \/ \/ l___/ l___/[pr!de] | : : | | ____ ! ! _| l_______\ /_______| |________________/_/\ \/ | | \_\/ : : · p r e s e n t · a new production in 1996 by code - Tron gfx - Noogman music - TheLoop c a l l e d -> B l u r r e d N o t e s <- the new music experience This masterpiece needs AGA and a HD! To install Blurred Notes on you HD, depack ATW-BDN1.lha and ATW-BDN2.lha in one directory. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ____/\____/\____/\____/\__/\______/\ _ ___/\____/\ / __/ \ __/ \ \ \/ \/ \ \ / _> _/ _> \| \/ \_/ \ | \ \ \ ¬\ | \ ¬\ | | /_ \ \ \ / | / \______/__; /_____/_;_;_/_|___/____/_____/____/___;_/ \/ phs! This file was missing, so Skull/Eremation uploaded it for you! Enjoy!
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