
Blurred Notes by artwork

Short:    Blurred Notes by Artwork 1/2
Author:   Artwork
Uploader: Skull/Eremation (original by [email protected])
Type:     demo/sound

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                                   :     :

                             · p r e s e n t ·

                             a new production
                                in 1996 by

                                code - Tron
                               gfx - Noogman
                              music - TheLoop

                                c a l l e d

                      -> B l u r r e d  N o t e s <-

                         the new music experience

                   This masterpiece needs AGA and a HD!

        To install Blurred Notes on you HD, depack ATW-BDN1.lha and
                      ATW-BDN2.lha in one directory.


           ____/\____/\____/\____/\__/\______/\  _  ___/\____/\
          /   __/      \  __/      \   \       \/ \/     \     \
         /     _>     _/   _>       \|  \/   \_/   \   |  \     \
         \      ¬\  |  \    ¬\ | |  /_   \    \     \     /  |  /
          \______/__;  /_____/_;_;_/_|___/____/_____/____/___;_/
                     \/ phs!

This file was missing, so Skull/Eremation uploaded it for you!