
Revision 2020 Mini-Intro by void

 _ __ ___ _____|      /__/\ __   _ __/\
      \__\\    |    //    \\ _)_.___  \\
           \        / |     \   |_ /    \ ___ __ _
            \______/________/__ '/______//__//

Void presents "Revision 2020 Mini-Intro", an intro released
at (yes, you guessed it, hehe..) Revision Online 2020.

Credits is as follows:
Code by Puni
Music by mAZE
Font by Speed-Demon
Text by Powerslave and Puni
Testing by mAZE, Hukka and Emufr3ak

Unpack the archive to a location of your choice, then either
run "Void-RevisionMiniIntro.exe" from CLI or double-click
the icon with the same name.

Click the left mouse button to quit the intro at any time.

Developed on Amiga 1200 with Fast-RAM. Works on all Amiga's
with Kickstart 2.0+. Recommended configuration is Amiga 1200
with Fast-RAM.

This intro was crunched with Shrinkler.

If you wish you get in touch with Void, please send an e-mail
to Puni/Void at [email protected]. You can also contact
us through our website at amigavoid.wordpress.com.

We are open for new members, so if you'd like to be part of an
Amiga group that are still active making demos, graphics, music
and other stuff, please contact us. We especially need
graphicians who can help with logos, cliparts, fonts and so
forth. It does not matter if you are a beginner or veteran, most
important thing is that you have fun with your Amiga. We cover
both classic Amiga and next-gen (AmigaOS 4 and MorphOS).