
New World Child by Mankind [web]

Short:    Good NewWorldChild version -the only WORKING version.delete others.
Author:   Mankind
Uploader: [email protected]
Type:     demo/aga

 Hum... Excuse the trouble !
The precedentS versionS of NWC uploaded on aminet 
where BUGGED because the archive was passed before 
on a buggy server. The version available on 
the mankind web site http://tex.mankind.free.fr
was the same bugged version.
( It always crashes at start.)

 Here is the only good one.
It only work on pal AGA (or dblpal if the
WB screen is not pal).
 No CGX version have been done at this date.
(17 May 2000).
 This version ALWAYS worked on 68030,040,060. 
and is in fact the SAME that was spread at
the EUSKAL party 7  (july 1999).

 Ghandy/Darkage IS NOT responsible of the
wrong uploads as krabob tell him to upload
the MKD site version, while the buggs was unknown.
 The site will also be updated as soon as possible.

     :.:........................................................   _____.
    ___: ___   ________  ________   _______  ______   ________ :___\_   |
  ._\  \/  /_._\_____ /._\ ._   /._/      /._\____/_._\ ._   /._\  _.   |
  |   \  /   |     l/  |   l/    | \      \|        |   l/    |    \|   |
  l____\/______________|__ /_____|__\______\___________ /_____|_________|
     . ........................................................:.. .  lm!
       .                                                       .
                -[    m    a    n    k    i    n    d    ]-
  - -------------------------------------------------------------------- -

                            "new world child"

                        a  m a n k i n d  d e m o

             r e l e a s e d   a t   e u s k a l   p a r t y  7
                       2 3 - 2 5   j u l y   2 k - 1

  - -------------------------------------------------------------------- -

         Code ............................................. Krabob
         Gfx ..................................... Zaac and Grenat
         Music ............................................... Tex

  - -------------------------------------------------------------------- -

         It will run in PAL or DBLPAL on any 68020,030,040,or 060
                and need about 5 Mo of Fast RAM. Yes? Mmmm

           Note that the demo was coded with INTUITION screens.
      Some minor bugs may appear on slow machines, disconnect your 

                          SETPATCH must be ACTIVATED.
         A CGX chunky version may be released in a distant future,
                  so your little children will see it ;-)

  - -------------------------------------------------------------------- -

                        g  r  e  e  t  i  n  g  s  

                    Abyss  Anathema  Capsule  Centolos

            Darkage  Dreamdealers  Drifters  Endzeit  Goblins  

           LucisMagia  Network  Ozone  Ramses  Skarla Scoopex  

              Silicon  Software Failure  Syndrome  Venus Art

                   ... finally special thanks/hellos to 

          Humphrey, Leunam, Skid, Drareg, Pescanov, Jaco, Nork, 

            Lentium, Phornee, Wind, Wasi, Ham, Derethor, hyde.

  - -------------------------------------------------------------------- -

                  [email protected]    [email protected]
                            [email protected]