
Religion. by Shock!

           RELIGION - pray for us - by SHOCK!

           tha prayers
           system powerup    - tsc
           3d machinery      - genesis
           music engineering - tsc

           technical instructions
           type "set blaster=" before start if you don't have a soundcard
           type "religion /setup" for manual soundcard selection

           you keep this faith
           abaddon, agressive giants, astroidea, axioma, black rainbow, byteam
           capanna!, caterpillar, chrome, controlled dreams, criminal gang
           darkside, dentifrice, dinasty, d-eyes, emperor, enlightenment
           euthanasia, exact!, exceed, exhumers, fauve, fiction, firg
           fresh, hooligans crew, illumination, impact, impulse
           iris, kloon, lz, legend design, majic 12, mandula
           mortal compact, murmidones, nicoteam, opium
           orange, promise, pulse, remal, resource
           tbl, thitanium, tpu, tsi, unicorn
           united force, urinate

           personal greets from tsc [long edit.]
           aboy/d-eyes                           max/impact studios
           albino/enlightenment                  maxwood/majic 12
           andysoft                              megaduo/biohazard
           antforce/nil                          melan/astroidea
           atomant/illicit                       minstrel/fiction/enlightenment
           atx/shock!                            morgan/criminal gang/fiction
           achbar                                mrz/astroidea
           bano/relative                         murphy/exact
           basq/tsi                              nap/atlantis
           bat/iris                              net/chrome
           bbd/tsi                               o-man/astroidea
           bero                                  oscillator/opium
           bert/criminal gang                    petroff/mandula
           blacky/exact                          pfusuus/psd
           blala/byteam                          pompi/hooligans crew
           brian/axioma                          pro/urinate
           byte/blank                            psycho
           bzmot/firg                            p”cs/firg
           cat                                   radgast
           ca$h/astroidea                        raider
           cie-kill                              ratt/grif
           codeorgo/black rainbow                raveace
           crafty serge/tsi                      reactor/caterpillar
           crossbone/tbh                         reid/unicorn
           cyborg/iris                           rem/kloon
           d-lee/exceed                          rendall/astroidea/impulse
           dab/promise h.e.                      reptile/astroidea
           darkness/imphobia                     rian/shock!/majic 12
           das/shock!                            richy
           dali                                  rimo/euthanasia
           deansdale/shock!                      rita/exact
           derceto/unicorn                       rnc/axioma
           dfj/dinasty                           robi(n)
           dirk gently                           rogue/logic design
           dlux/h2                               romi/hooligans crew
           dot/unicorn                           rotor/ex-firg
           dps                                   rs232/firg
           edhellon/resource                     sabe
           eft/impulse                           sam.joe
           enok/chrome/urinate                   saybor
           ervin/abaddon                         sb/remal
           fake/firg                             scooby/orion design
           fat poison/exact                      sebi
           fear/the black lotus                  secret/unicorn
           fernandez                             shade/rtc
           figaro                                shadow
           maniac/absolute! pc                   silver/tpu
           gaf/controlled dreams                 sly spy/united force
           gandalf/pulse                         spider/usca
           g zkonvektor/firg                     spidy/amnesty
           genesis/shock!                        stainless steelrat/east edge
           g‚za/220v                             striker
           graphite                              squesh/axioma
           greg                                  sylvio/triumwyrat
           greyhawk/nil                          synoptic
           grub/firg                             syrinx/d-eyes
           g.o.d./abaddon                        tarr/firg
           hanx/urinate                          tasi/direktrix
           hypnos/axioma                         taylor/criminal gang
           ian                                   taz/xeed
           ionic/astroidea                       tfe/tng
           jabberwock/contract                   the admiral/tdm
           james baud/controlled dreams          tim/fiction
           jare/iguana                           tlg/thitanium
           jones                                 tmt/biohazard
           kal/astroidea                         tomcat/abaddon
           kci                                   tomcat2/controlled dreams
           kgb                                   tomika/dinasty
           kill gates/firg                       tr/contract
           klatyi                                trajic/shock!
           kunci/orion design                    trs & his girlfriend
           k”rte                                 true/shock!
           klopman/firg                          trueman/exact
           kloy psykuum/bpc                      tsl16b
           krinolin/firg                         tyrant/murmidones
           lacoste/capanna                       vlagyivosztok/firg
           larsen/contract                       ward/enlightenment
           lippi                                 winkle/exact
           lord cyrix/beans                      woland/exhumers
           lord soth                             woodoo people/tdsca
           lorenzo/darkside                      xanadu
           loove                                 yarpen/exmortis
           ludi                                  yoghurt/firg
           master death/bpc                      zax
           mater/dream recordings                zozo/majic 12

           personal greets from genesis [the longest version ever :)]

           andysoft                              klatyi
           atx/shock!                            klopman/firg
           achbar                                ludi
           bano/relative                         melan/astroidea
           basq/tsi                              minstrel/fiction/enlightenment
           bat/iris                              murphy/exact
           bbd/tsi                               o-man/astroidea
           bero                                  oscillator/opium
           blacky/exact                          pro/urinate
           brian/axioma                          raider
           cat                                   reactor/caterpillar
           cie-kill                              reptile/astroidea
           crafty serge/tsi                      rian/shock!/majic 12
           cyborg/iris                           robi(n)
           d-lee/exceed                          rotor/ex-firg
           das/shock!                            spidy/amnesty
           deansdale/shock!                      tarr/firg
           dfj/dinasty                           tim/fiction
           enok/chrome/urinate                   tlg/thitanium
           ervin/abaddon                         tomcat/abaddon
           fake/firg                             trajic/shock!
           greg                                  trs & his girlfriend
           hanx/urinate                          true/shock!
           james baud/controlled dreams          trueman/exact
           kal/astroidea                         ward/enlightenment
           kill gates/firg                       woodoo people/tdsca

           pray with us
           atx - music, pr
           das - gfx
           deansdale - music
           genesis - code
           rian - music
           trajic - music
           tsc - code, music

           we'll show you the way how to believe
           [email protected]            [tsc]
           [email protected]           [atx]
           [email protected]        [trajic]
           [email protected]     [genesis]
           [email protected] [deansdale]

           healers online
           +36-62-247047 [tsc]
           +36-62-417359 [genesis]
           +36-37-370070 [trajic]
           +36-30-480260 [atx]
           +36-62-317496 [deansdale]


           our temples
           scenet +36-1-2285921 [sysop: melan/astroidea]
              tng +36-96-414576 [sysop: tr/contract]
           a.c.e. +33-145887548 [sysop: gandalf/pulse]