Banana Jones by void
___ /\_ _____/\__/\_ __/\_ \ \ / /| | | | | \ \ / / | | | | ___| | \ \/ / | | | |/ | \ / | | | | | | \ / | | | | | | \/ |_______|___|________| axl'97 We are back with a brand new intro for the Revision 2018 demo party in Germany! -----> Banana Jones <----- Credits: -------- Code by Puni Music by mAZE Font from PD Library Crunched with Shrinkler Note: ----- CTRL + C to break any time. You can also exit with left mouse button at the end of the intro. Requirements: ------------- This intro was created on an Amiga 1200 with 020 and 8 MB of Fast-RAM. It has not been tested on other computers or emulators. We recommend watching this on an Amiga with at least 020 and some Fast-RAM. Kickstart 2.x required. Best viewed on a CRT-TV with RGB to SCART adapter or a Commodore 1084 monitor. ;) Contact: -------- Our homepage: E-mail: [email protected] Void Memberlist (March 2018): ----------------------------- Alien Tech (Coder) (Italy) Angel (Coder) (Sweden) Blackbeard (Musician, Trader) (Greece) Emufr3ak (Coder) (Switzerland) Harrison (Graphician) (UK) Hukka (Coder, Musician) (Finland) Jeano (Musician) (Norway) Lonewolf (Coder, Tracer) (UK) mAZE (Musician) (Norway) Neutek (Musician) (Norway) Powerslave (Founder, Musician) (UK) Puni (Organiser, Coder, Web) (Norway) Rebb (Coder, Musician) (Finland) Rumrunner (Coder) (Norway) Spitfire (Coder) (South Africa)
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