
Schooldemo by Theta

                      ---  SchoolDemo ---
                      ***   by Theta  ***

                      This demo is freeware.
           It can be freely distributed if left unmodified.
                  No money can be charged for it
              without the permissions of the authors.

              You run the demo at your own risk,
              if something wrong happens, authors
              are NOT liable for any damage
              this demo brings you.

What is a demo:
                A demo is a program made by programmer(s), graphic artist(s)
                and musician(s). Demos are NOT animations, they have nothing
                in common with .AVI or .FLI files.

              386 processor or higher( 486 DX2/66 is recommended ),
              VGA graphics,
              SoundBlaster or SoundBlaster clone,
              1024 Kbytes of EMS memory is needed.

              If the demo hangs and says something like:
              "DMABuffer too small, add D=x...",
              then add "/D=x" parameter to the line
              containing EMM386 in your CONFIG.SYS.

About THETA:
              We are a demogroup from Estonia ( a Baltic country )
              and our members are:
                  Alle      - Levenko Alexei  - coder, ideas, design, font
                  Control   - Rovensky Alexei - coder, ideas, graphics, font
                  MusicLord - Zavidey Andrew  - music

We are from Tallinn and each of us is 16 years old.
We study in school:
                        Control and MusicLord in 26.keskkool ( 11"B" )
                        Alle in TTRK - 19.keskkool( 11"A" )

We are currently in need of a graphics artist.
ATTENTION, everyone:
                     If you are a good artist, if you are about our age,
                     why not try joining us? Our contact addresses will
                     be given in CONTACT section later in this file
                     ( *GOOD* coders, musicians are also welcome ).

This is our first big production, did you like it?
Please answer us( look below for addresses ).
If you liked our demo and you have some spare money,
send it us!

Languages we speak:
    Alle     : Russian( native ), Estonian( far from perfect ), English( ok )
    Control  : Russian( native ), Estonian( a little )        , English( ok )
    MusicLord: Russian( native ), German( a little )          , English( ok )

Commercial stuff:
                If you want something to be done for you or for your company,
                do not hesitate to contact us. We can program demos, games
                and other programs as well. Our contact addresses will be
                given in CONTACT section later in this file.

                 Alle: [email protected]
                 Alle      : ( 372 ) 6-340-449
                 Control   : ( 372 ) 6-331-370
                 MusicLord : ( 372 ) 68-47-58
                 Alle      : Kivila   4 - 108, EE0038, Tallinn, Estonia
                 Control   : Paekaare 22 - 80, EE0036, Tallinn, Estonia
                 MusicLord : Tehnika 139 - 31, EE0007, Tallinn, Estonia

                              Written by Alle of Theta, 27-08-96.