plutoniumia by aikarele
_____ _____ __ __ __ _____ _____ ________.________ .====\____| | | | | | | ____/ | ____/======. |::::::\__| | | | ' | | | |__| ___| |_ ___|:::::::| |::::::::\| | | ' | \ | | | \ | |:::::::| |:::::::::|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__/___ |____/__ |:::hJ::| `=======================================\__|======\__|=======' Mobile Demo Released at Assembly 02, 1-4 August 2002 PLUTONIUMIA Final Release the final release should work with all color-ipaq's and the jornadas. just copy the files to any directory of your handheld. this version requires about 4mb of runtime memory. realtime raytracing without a fpu or at least fast integer division instructions can be really slow, there were also a lot of optimisations which should have been done but there was not time enough time since we started developing th intro some days before the assembly. music system copyright by Firelight Technologies code, texture & music copyright by aikarele, 2002 [email protected]
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