Sepulka (preview) by Dinx Project
....... ...... _________ ___._____________ _______ _.:::::. .::::::· )______ \\ )___ ________(__)___ // |·::::::. .::::::· | |/ || \\ || | | ·::::::::::::· ._)\_ ___| / _| _| | |____·::::::::·__ _/(_. ¡ // \__ º \__ º \__ | º | .:::::::::. \\ ¡ | l/ _____¡l/ _____¡l/ ______¡ .::::::·::::::. | | /_______\ /______\ /______\ .::::::· ·::::::. | | .::::::· ·::::::. | | _______ | . _l_______.. _________ _______ \ (___ _._ _________._ _______ .l____. |\\ ____ ||\\ __ ___(.__) ___ //|\______ //|| \\ ______(| \\ ____(_.| | | \___ || \_ || | || / || ___)__| | _| |_ | |____l| | _| | _| _| _| \__ __/ __ |draw\__ | \__ ! º \__ º \__ º \__ º || | l/ º ¡ l/ _l º |l/ _____¡l/ _____¡l/ ____¡l/ ____¡| º | /_____\ /___\|____¡/_____\ /_____\ /_______\ /_______\ |_____¡ | | | d i n x p r o j e c t | !_)\_ _______________________ _/\ _ __________________________)\_ _! · // \/ // · P R E S E N T S demo "SEPULKA" released at RETRO KOMP / Load Error 26-27.10.2013 in Gdansk, POLAND code - OSTER gfx - GROH msx - MCCNEX hardware requirements: AMIGA AGA/KS3.1/060/64MB RAM contact TiMi/DxP [email protected] YES! After 15 years we are back... :) G R E E T I N G S Andromeda - CNCD - Elude - Floppy - Fairlight - Ghostown Joker - Kewlers - Lamers - Loonies - MaWi - Melon Dezign Skid Row - TBL - Wanted Team and friends from,,, Amiga North Thames UK ::::::: ... ... ::::: ::: .::::::. :::. ::: ::: _ ::· . ·::. - d i n x - ·:::. ... · __( )__ :: ::. .______ ____ _____ _____. :: .::::::. _|::· ··|_ ::: __|___ / _\ /_ \ \____\ |____ ::· _ (_ · : _) ·:./ ___/ /___) __ (__\__ \_ \_ | _/ ::· __( )__|___ ___| / |/ _\/_ \ . \ ::: |_ _|: (_).:| / · _ \/\/ ____\ .____| .·:: _) (_ _ |·::. $Ð!\_________\\_________( )___| | ·::·\ |___ ___|__( )__| ::. .:·|______\ (_) .:: ________ _______ _______·:: .____ · _______ _______ ____. :: _ __) _ ¬\_) __ \ / ____ (__ | (_|__) ___/ __) ___/ _) |__ ___| \ _/ /_/ \_ / (__| | _/___\ )_____\ ____/_ __ \______/ \ ¬/ / \_ · _ _ \ | / (______| |_____\ ________. /____._____\ .____\ .____\ | · )___| ::. |___( | )___| )___| )___|dGs ::. · ·: :: ::: :::::. .:: - p r o j e c t - ·:::::·
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