
Ghost In The Shell by Honoo [web]

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                        Present a new Production


                >> G H O S T   I N   T H E   S H E L L <<

                Done for Pleasure, Fun & Birthday event!!!!
                (coz Today it's Black Dragon Birthday Too) =)
                       Release date: 08 June 1999

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                            Code: Alabama(Kusanagi)
Anims,Design,Story Board & Ideas: Black Dragon(Bato)
                             Gfx: Black Dragon, Masamune Shirow &
                                  Hiroyuki Okiura(Section 9)
                   3D Honoo Logo: Falken(Puppet Master)
                    Stereo Music: Takkyu Ishino & Black Dragon(Composed by
                                  Takkyu Ishino & mix by Black Dragon)
                  2nd Part Music: C J Bolland & Black Dragon(Composed by
                                  C J Bolland & mix by Black Dragon)
                   Moral Support: HP & Clo!(Section Z..ZzZzz..Zzzz)

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 Inspiration: We use Various "Ghost..." supports to create this Demo.
 -----------  1st one was the Manga of Masamune Shirow called Ghost in
              The Shell and Various Art pictures has been used for the
              Demo. I use also some Animation from the Ghost in the Shell
              Movie of Mamoru Oshii with Character Design done by Hiroyuki
              Okiara with the Help of Masamune Shirow.
              Finally, I use a music of Takkyu Ishino called Ghost in the
              Shell & another Music(For the 2nd Part of the Demo) of 
              C J Bolland called Thanato.

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 The Project:It's an Old project I(Black Dragon) Wanted to release and it
 ----------- Gives me lots of time to finally release it.
             why I Choose GHOST IN THE SHELL and not another Manga like
             AKIRA or DRAGON BALL!!!
             Coz I think, In all Manga Artist, Masamune Shirow is one of
             The Most Talantous with a Incrediball Art Draw.
             All his Art are Beautifull and this Demo is like a Gift
             for Him.
             About The Work on the Demo. It gives me more than 2 month
             Of Creation & Manipulation with Various Painter, Tracers 
             Trackers, and others.
             We Tried to Release also a PERFECT TIMING With Effects &
             Musics. It was really Hard War with Many BUGS!!!!
             I only Hope that you will like the Result!!!
 - -- ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- -
 This is not a Party Release!!!: Tired to see only demos when a Party is
 ------------------------------  Organised, all in HONOO have decided to
                                 released all our Prods "Out of Parties".
                                 I only want to see more Groups which do
                                 the same. We are a Scene and not a 
                                 Industry. Our destiny is to create Demos
                                 for our Pleasure and also to Give this
                                 pleasure to Others. Parties kill the Scene
                                 with their Money Attract. Money is not all.
                                 If you want Money, just find a Job. ;)
                                 Save the Demo Creation Spirit!!!!
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 Demo Infos: We've Work really Hard on the Timing of the Effects with the
 ----------  music but..The Timing is only Perfect on A1220+4Mb of Fast.
             The Demo needs 4 Mb of Fast to work.
             We Work on the Demo since June 1998. After some months of 
             delay(after the 1st Part), we tried to finish the 2nd part
             and to create a Third Part for the demo with Greeting and
             message Text.....but we don't released it Finally. :-(
             Don't think about a Final Version coz this is the Final
             Complete(2 parts, 4696976 bytes) version....Enjoy our Work.
        Pre-Calculated Effects are: - Zoom Transformation
                                    - Bitmap Mix UP
                                    - Motion Blur
                                    - Fonts Animated Design
                                    - Multi Anims in one Screen
                                    - Zoom Transparent Mixed with Anims
                                    - ...

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 Advertissement:  To Find The CD Of this Prod Music, Just Go to a Techno
 --------------   CD Shop & ask for: "Ghost In The Shell" by Takkyu Ishino
                                          "Thanato" by C J Bolland
                                       from The Ghost in the Shell Compil.
                                         Playstation TV Game Soundtrack
                                             2 CD - Limited Edition
                                              Megatech Body.Co.LTD
                                                     488290 9

                  Watch also the GHOST IN A SHELL Movie directed by MAMORU
                  OSHII(Kodansha/Bandai label) and the Manga of MASAMUNE
                  SHIROW(and the Artbooks too!!!).

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 We have Tested The Demo on an AMIGA 1200+BLIZZARD 1220 CARD+4 MEGA OF FAST!
   Timing is Perfect on this Configuration if you want to see this Demo
   Correctly, just use this Configuration.
 With an AMIGA 1230 + 16 MB OF FAST, The demo works perfectly but some 
   SLOWING DOWN happens in the Credits Part and the Timing with the Music
   is not Totally Perfect.
 No FPU needed!!!
 Sorry.... No time for Other Tests!!!!!           

 To install this Demo on your HD(From DD disks):

    - Just Join the 4 Files(GHOST.1, GHOST.2, GHOST.3, & GHOST.4)
      Like This:
      ("HD:" Can Be different)
    - You have now one File in LHA!!! Use a LHA Utility Like This:
             LHA -x -M x HD:GHOST.lha ram:
    - You Found now 9 Files!!!!:
             - GhostInTheShell.exe           (executable File)
             - GhostInTheShell.dat           (Data File)
             - GhostInTheShell               (HD script)
             - GhostInTheShell.info          (Icon)
             - GhostInTheShell.Read_Me       (this Text)
             - File_id.diz                   (Short info)
             - Black                         (add Program)
             - Screen                        (add Program)
             - Normal                        (add Program)

    - Create a Directory(Name it as you like) and put all the files 
      inside it.
    - Pump up the Volume & Switch off the Light!! =)
    - Just Click on the Icon to See the Demo.(try to respect the script
      or you only see One part)

 And Enjoy the Show!!!    

 - - ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- -

                         HONOO Greetings Go to
                       - --------------------- -
 HP,Clo!,Sofia,Jose,Ma,Pa,All my Family,ADN,Falcon,Plug,Eagle,Toff,Thunder,
 Noodle,Mr Funny,Mr P,Wild,Boulder,Trendy Dealer,Mtc,Blunt,Chris,Qix,
 Zibi,The King,Stan,Falken,Miko63,Darkhawk,Creb,Franc,Rogu3,Swoop,Morkeled,
 Iceman,Sydan,Korball,The Specialist,Cyclone,Deus Docet,Damion,Blaze,Hawk,
 Heavyweight,Modem,Carp,Bucko,CurtCool,Dr Dreyer,Matarazzo,Fred Calendini,
 Goon,Qen..........And All Their Groups & all we have Forgot!

 - - ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- -

                       Official HONOO MembersList

                             BLACK DRAGON
        (Organiser, Musician, Graphician, Trader, WebPage Maker)

                  (Organiser, Graphician, Musician)


                         (Coder in retirement)

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                  For Infos about HONOO(Internet Only):
                        OFFICIAL HONOO HOMEPAGE

                            SEND A MAIL TO
                        [email protected] 

                   < < HONOO  -The Dragon Breath- > >