
SzarikRemix by Przyjaciele Stefana B.

short:    SzarikRemix- a psycho Remix of psychodelic dentro by Monar^PSB
uploader: [email protected]
author:   Pulsatio Loofa/Monar (Mroova/PSB) and Klinton/Monar
type:     demo/aga
requires: A1200 with fast mem
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this  presentation could be freely distributable and copyable.  it may
be  a  part of marvellous AminetCD series by Schatzruche software.  if
you want to contact the authors:

      [email protected]           ask for Mroova or Klinton

no  new members wanted, no swap offers - just real psychedelic action.
suspect something from us soon...

release date:  12.13-07-97 (Intel Outside Party 4)
                                               Crazy Demo Competition!