
Build your own pinballmachine by Darklite [web]

    .___             __   .__  .__  __          
  __| _/____ _______|  | _|  | |__|/  |_  ____  
 / __ |\__  \\_  __ \  |/ /  | |  \   __\/ __ \ 
/ /_/ | / __ \|  | \/    <|  |_|  ||  | \  ___/ 
\____ |(____  /__|  |__|_ \____/__||__|  \___  >
 2010\/     \/           \/.www.darklite.org.\/ 
Wilddemo: "Build your own pinballmachine"       
Credits: Tarim, o.f, spexzter, response & djfess
Released at: Solskogen 2010                     
Greetings goes to: All our friends, you know who
Visit us at www.darklite.org / [email protected]
So... this was it! The fifth and last production
in the "build your own"-series!                 
We now want to focus more on the intro/demo-side
of the demoscene, and these productions usually 
takes too much time. And we are kinda tired     
driving around in the Oslo-region with all kinda
stuff on the back of the car :)                 
We still have some more hardwarestuff going on, 
but in a smaller scale. If you live; you'll see.
This project had lots of issues. Too many.      
With some luck it just might work @ Solskogen!  
If you want some information, just drop us an   
email and we will supply you as good as we can. 
Never say never; we might be back with something
like this again - but not for a while, though :)
Growing old is mandatory; Growing up is optional