
Renaissance by Byterapers [web]

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                               the (b)eat is back

                           Byterapers, Inc. presents a 
                           new MS-DOS demonstration at

                                - Assembly 2008 -  

                                 and it's called
                                 - RENAISSANCE -

Credits and debits

Bera     ...   Supreme coding, engine, tools, 3D and 2D effects
Visy     ...   Coding, 2D effects, engine tweaks, design
Nessie   ...   Sound engine, tools
Mikron   ...   Supreme project leader, direction, design, prophet
PrplMtn  ...   Soundtrack (featuring mystery female vocalist)

Also starring

Gekko    ...   3D Objects, mIRC warrior
Wode     ...   Famous dsd_textures.zip, word cloud gfx, design tips
Dice     ...   Famous dsd_textures.zip, new anarchy logo, 3D objects
Manfex   ...   Supreme raster bar designer
Suckho   ...   Ancient 2D effects remaking guru
Hbt      ...   Still & effect overlay graphics
Sakamies ...   Overlay gfx in water effect with bzm coords
H7       ...   Supreme ANSI artist
Grendel  ...   Scene poetry

Hardware used

CPU      ...   486DX-50
Memory   ...   32M 60ns
Cache    ...   256k 20ns L2 cache
Bus      ...   ISA 16bit 8Mhz
Graphics ...   ET4000AX (1M. 256k used in demo)
Sound    ...   SoundBlaster v2.0 (8bit mono)

Hardware requirements

CPU      ...   486DX-33 (maybe even less but don't hold your breath)
Memory   ...   18.5M
Graphics ...   Anything with MCGA mode and at least 256k memory.
Sound    ...   Any Soundblaster compatible should work.
Running demo

General  ...   Does NOT work directly under Windows. This is a DOS demo. :)
               When you run this demo it will ask if you would you like to 
               save the uncompressed audio to the disk. If you hit a key during
               this 3 second "thinking time" the demo will write the whole song
               to the disk.

               That makes following runs much faster. Audio file (raw 8-bit 
               22050khz mono file) takes 4738k of disk space. If you don't 
               press any key then the demo decompresses audio to the memory and 
               does not write anything to the disk. (That fills compo rules
               100%) Soundcard is detected thru BLASTER environment variable.
Emulator ...   DosBox was used during developement. DosBox can't handle the 
               horizontal scroller right but other parts are ok. However, 
               default configuration file has 16M of memory which is not 
               enough. So you must change it to bigger number to allow the
               demo to run. Also, if you want a more realistic fps, change 
               'cycles' to something like 33000.

FF       ...   For debug purposes there is fast forward button.. Keep '.' 
               pressed for 6x speed. Of cource this is not perfect :). 
               Scrollers don't scroll any faster, only the timer and so on. 
               This was a useful feature during the developement phase. :)

About the name - title "Renaissance" was chosen by Mikron many many
months ago. Although demo design changed "a bit" in last few weeks,
mostly because there were problems with the 3D system and lack of time to fix
it, the message of this demo is not as clear as it was meant to be.
Overall, we would like to dedicate this demo to the former American
demo group called Renaissance, which was a great inspiration for
most of us in the early days, when PC demoscene was taking it's baby steps.
Check wikipedia for more info about them :

 -       -       -       -

A lot of (b) members can be contacted if you know how.
Some can be contacted even if you don't know the way of exploding fist.

If needed in case of emergency, interest, or beer that you would like 
to share, one could try to use information superhighway technology gadgets

Visit the byterapers web pages at http://www.byterapers.com

Old fashioned greetings go at least to: [vittu kuka näitä aina muistaa]

 -       -       -       -

Personal memos


Wow. First big product where I'm involved and victory. Feels great!

Greetings goes to my family and frends and specially to my wife.

This demo started from my dream about to do proper demo. About 
year ago I started collectin old hardware. (And I still need good
1991 motherboards) About 6 months ago me and Nessie started coding
and about two months before deadline we had most of the effects and
3D engine. Then Byterapers came along and last two months was almost 
nonstop coding. :)

7 hours after deadline (Demo was aldready recorded) demo SVN broken 
down and we couldn't make proper release version. :/ And ofcourse 
booze was affecting our motivation deeply. But yesterday I finally 
managed to repair my server and now we are launching our proper
release version. No changes in graphic or sound output. Just nicely 
packed and added some error messages and this info file.

Seriously. There was huge amount code what must be coded for this 
product. Everything is new code. Four tool programs has to be made and 
so on. 3D engine uses 32bit integer only and still gives subpixel 
resolution and full matrix calculations. Too bad that 3D plays so 
small part in this demo because of format converter problems
but there is always next demo. Now we have brand new 486 demo engine. 

If you have old 1991 motherboard to offer or just want to say hello 
mail to me. [email protected]

Ps. Abyss said during proce ceremony that 1992 hardware is ok and 
even some newspapers said 1992 hardware is the limit, actual rules
say 1991. And difference between 1991 and 1992 hardware is HUGE. 1991
there was only 8 bit audio without any hardware mixers and 16bit 8Mhz 
ISA bus (Well EISA and MCA was available but these are not so fast 
either). 1992 there was GUS with 16bit stereo sound with hardware 
mixers and 32bit VLB bus up to 33Mhz. Processor frequency multiplers 
came 1992 and so on. Personally I think current limit is ok even if 
PC that time couldn't output 16bit stereo sounds like amiga did but
calculation powers goes way up when frequency multiplers and faster 
BUS technology come along.


Greetings to my son and wife for giving me time to do the hard work 
that was needed in this demo project. And this one really was my first 
demo project.

It was like December 2007 when I and Bera got an idea that we should 
make a DOS demo. And one main thing was to have real music (stream) 
not a mod. And indeed there were a couple of challenges to get m4a(aac) 
encoded file to play in 486DX-50 hardware.

And then a couple more words about sound engine. The music in this 
demo was encoded with aac encoder inside mp4 audio container.
8-bit audio data was used as that was best possible quality with 
Sound Blaster cards back in '91. There were no ready libraries 
available that could decode 8-bit audio data so that part had to 
be developed from scratch. The whole audio data is decoded to 
memory and it can be played from any position using DMA transfer. 
Auto-init DMA is being used if available to avoid scraches while 
playing. All Sound Blaster compatible cards are supported. 
And remember to set BLASTER environment! 

Phew! This has been an interesting few months working on the
demo. Great big thanks to bera and mikron for starting the 
project and getting me on board. I've always been a big fan  
of classic MS-DOS demos and this was a dream come true for
me. Personal greetings to Joni of Rotwalli for supplying me
with alcoholic beverages during the production of this demo.  
Also, shout-outs to my friends in Trilobit, Valmet Children,
FEL, aspekt, PWP, Ananasmurska, Jumalauta + Rauhaniemiposse.

some words about the technical side:     
We decided early on that this demostration will be released
at Assembly. Thus, this demo should work on a 1991-> 80486
PC with a Sound Blaster-compatible soundcard. The demo uses
hardware scrolling, so Dosbox doesn't cut it yet, sorry ;).
Yes, the music is a stream. Not a tracker tune.

Additum 1.8.2008 - 14:29

The deadline for recording is closing up. I just have to add that
however stressful these past few weeks have been, I still find
this experience very, very rewarding and I hope I'll work with
these guys again on some other demo production...

Additum 7.8.2008 - 20:28

Okay, time to release the final version now. We did some important
bugfixes to this "version 1.1". The demo engine will now report if
the system doesn't have enough memory, wrong BLASTER-variable etc. 
Also, a few cosmetical bugs were fixed.

And we won. Wow. First place @ Assembly for me. I send my personal
greetings to everybody who voted for us :) Thanks for the boost-me-up,
I really needed that!


Working as a blender slave under the command of Mikron is
not certainly the easiest job to do, even though I was
just randomly poked to do something small. Anyway, I
consider this as my first demoscene entry, even though my
role in it was quite small. I hope to continue working
with the Byterapers and increase my boozing skills. Maybe
one day I can challenge the mighty Mikron. Also, more

Greets to Aukio Games and honors to their very very great
Game dev entry "Skies" released on Assembly 2005. The game
is still worth playing and requires more servers.

<prpl mtn>

Music for the Byterapers Reneissance demo is a mixture of outboard gear 
and ITB orchestral libraries.  One of the outboard gear I used is my all 
time favourite Studio Electronics ATC-X analogue monosynth which I ran 
thru either Moogerfooger lowpassfilter, Frostwave Resonator (Low Pass 
Filter) or Ibanez TS9DX distortion pedal.  I also used fully loaded Korg 
Triton and it was used to the C64-like lead sounds and the electronic 
drums you hear on the piece.  Tritons sounds were again processed thru 
the filters mentioned.   Orchestral libraries I used were mostly Project 
SAM brass/True Strike and for strings and woods I used Vienna Special 
Edition Libraries.  The rest of the instruments (to double or to use 
individually) were from the EWQLSO Platinum Library..  I used Protools 
LE for midi editing and then the tracks were mixed our  studio (Protools 
HD3 + outboard). (Watch out for the StereoVersion!!)   Nelli Nyman spoke 
the text written by Grendel.  I think that this also adds a very nice 
dimension to the demo..

I really wanted to combine the "oldschool" sound with some modern 
classical elements to respect the old and to add something new.  I hope 
you enjoy the demo.  I did :)


Interestingly the first time I saw Reneissance was at Assembly, just before
Real Wild Demo compo. The boys have done excellent work - the demo has true
oldtime feeling and style. Which is always nice.

The funny thing is that this demo runs on older machine than we have ever
worked on PC scene. The first (B) PC demo Drill Me, Please Me was released
on 1996 and ran on a Pentium, so this is actually a fun step backwards.
Going forward by going backward. Think of it - this demo runs on 1990
hardware and Future Crew's Unreal ´came out at 1992, Second Reality 1993.
But let's admit it - those boys had style and skill.

Funny thing, this party. (B) chaps found an unusual boost of energy, pushing
out two demos. Doesn't happen every party or even every year.


I didn't really participate in making this demo, but I will certainly
remember it. I was just politely asked to join Byterapers (or bad things
would have happened) and next thing my new (B) friends liked to show me was
this demo. Really nice, and I even have used 486(something) back then when
doom was the most immersive game around. So I can only imagine what kind of
magic was needed for such effects. Nice work guys!


Thanks for everbody giving 120% effort for these productions. Thank's for
Mysdee-B for opportunity to brand Alternative Party 2008 invitation under
(B) label. Thanks all the organizers and visitors at ASM Summer 2008
for creating great party atmosphere, I enjoyed that as much as i did when
working with this production and these guys. Hopefully we didn't plan & 
build this new DOS B-engine for one time purpose only, and we still
find the energy and productivity to make something nice with it for the
parties yet to come. At the moment all fuel cells are empty...

Disregards for bad boozembly spot, EPIC travel between that and ASM arena, 
at least with almost-broken-hurting-like-hell ancle, and also special STFU's 
for those who feel so fucking neccessary to advertise how they are NOT going 
to Assembly, bragging about how the event has been sucking after the 90's 
and blaa blaa blaa. Heard you 1st time, change the tape finally perkele.

Challenge us next year at Asm Summer 2009!

 -       -       -       -

this is the byterapers history bit

Byterapers - the reason for your erection - The Story!

Byterapers' history spans from the year 1986, when
four little would-be fellas started using name
"Byterapers" on their small releases. In two years group
had grown into multi-national and rather famous,
starting 1988 on Amiga. In 1989 the group stopped C-64
activities and concentrated on making career on the
Amiga, making rather well there as well. Around
1991-1992 group started a long sleep, resting from
earlier efforts and doing a lot of own inner stuff,
picnics, ByteParties etc but never finishing any products.

From this six year period Byterapers, known in short as
(B), had released around 150 demos on C-64, not counting
intros or other small stuff, a countless number of cracks
and all-time high position as No:6 in world's
cracking-group charts (an activity which was later banned
and stopped completely), seven musicdisks on Amiga, about
20 Amiga-demos not counting intros and other small stuff,
bunch of weird fun-releases an uncontested fame of heavy
partydudes always drunk, noisy, doing strange stuff,
looking strange, wandering from bar to bar but overall
being quite harmless.

(B) made comeback in 1994 by releasing the C-64 World of Code
-demo in spring'94. This resulted in many scene-awards like:

-comeback of the year
-demogroup of the year
-demo of the year
-coder of the year

Products like the World of Code -series (WOC, WOC 2, WOC 3),
Extremes and Follow The Sign III are top notch releases
on C-64 -demoscene, and our six latest entries in
democompetitions have gained five wins and one second place.

Today Byterapers works actively on the Mobile and PC-platforms.
While not exactly active demomakers, we hop on parties and
enjoy our lives to the fullest, and we are planning to release 
  new productions at approxiate times.

-       -       -       -   


1986 - First intro carrying name "Byterapers".
1988 - First Finnish copyparty with 100 people.
1988 - First Finnish copyparty with invitation intro.
1988 - First demo on Amiga.
1989 - First shadow-vectors on Amiga (Muzzax III).
1989 - Voted 9th best cracking group on C-64.
1990 - First Finnish copyparty with 200 people.
1991 - Again biggest Finnish party ever with Gathering'91 with about 250 visitors.
1991 - Small "still alive" intro on C-64 released to unsuspecting public.
1994 - First place on Amiga Demo competition at CompuCamp '94 -? by Lanttu.
1994 - Second place on Graphics competition at CompuCamp '94 - ? by Hazard.
1994 - Comeback on C-64 with demo 'World of Code'.
1994 - Awarded "Comeback of the Year - Byterapers" of C-64 scene.
1994 - Awarded "Best Demo of the Year - 'World of Code' by Byterapers" of C-64 scene.
1994 - Second place on C-64 Demo competition at Assembly'94 'World of Code II' by Byterapers.
1994 - First place on C-64 Demo competition at Tribute'94 - 'World of Code III' by Byterapers.
1995 - Second place on Music competition at Juhla'95 by T.o.B.
1995 - First place on Music competition at Juhla'95 II by T.o.B.
1995 - First place on C-64 Demo competition at Assembly'95 - 'Extremes' by Byterapers.
1995 - First place on C-64 Graphics competition at Assembly'95 by Mike.
1996 - First place on Music competition at Juhla 3.14 by Sivu.
1996 - Third place on Music competition at Juhla 3.14 by T.o.B.
1996 - First place on PC Demo competition at Abduction'96 - 'Drill Me, Please' Me by Byterapers.
1996 - Third place on Fast Music competition Abduction'96 by T.o.B.
1996 - First place on C-64 Demo competition at Assembly'96 - 'Follow the Sign III' by Byterapers.
1996 - Second place on C-64 Graphics competition at Assembly'96 by Mike.
1996 - Awarded "Demogroup of the Year 1996 - Byterapers" of C-64 scene.
1996 - Awarded "Demo of the Year 1996 - Follow The Sign III by Byterapers" of C-64 scene.
1996 - Awarded "Coder of the Year 1996 - Mr.Sex/Byterapers" of C-64 scene.
1997 - First place on PC Demo competition at Abduction'97 - 'Pandemic' by Byterapers.
1998 - Second place on PC Demo competition at Remedy'98 - 'Hyperventilation' by Byterapers.
1998 - Second place on Music competition at Motorola Inside'98 by Enema
1998 - Third place on Graphics competition at Motorola Inside'98 by Sivu
1998 - Fourth place on Graphics competition at Motorola Inside'98 by Gurdan
1998 - Second place on Soccer competition at Motorola Inside'98
1998 - First place on C-64 Graphics competition at Assembly'98 by Mike
1998 - Third place on C-64 Music competition at Assembly'98 by AMJ
1998 - Fourth place on PC Demo competition at Assembly'98 - 'Sexadelic' by Byterapers
2001 - First place on WinAmp Plugin-competition at Assembly'01 by Suckho
2001 - Third place on Demo competition at Assembly'01 - "Recycled" by Byterapers & Doomsday
2002 - First place on Mobile Demo competition at Assembly'02 - "Limbo" by Byterapers & Doomsday
2002 - First place on Oldskool Trivia competition at Assembly'02 by Mikron
2003 - First place on Banner competition at Simulaatio
2003 - First place on Demo competition at Simulaatio - "Monotypia" by Byterapers
2006 - Fourth place on Music competition at Simulaatio 3D - "Peculiar Encounters" by Purple Motion
2006 - Third place on Mobile Demo competition at Assembly 2006 - "Follow the Sign 4" by Byterapers
2006 - First place on ROTOR competition at Stream 2006 by Grendel
2008 - First place on Extreme Graphics competition at Assembly 2008 - "Takkia" by HBT
2008 - Fifth place on Extreme Graphics competition at Assembly 2008 - "Kets" by HBT
2008 - First place on Oldskool Demo competition at Assembly 2008 - "Renaissance " by Byterapers
2008 - Fourth place on Real Wild Demo competition at Assembly 2008 - "Alternative Party 2008 Invitation" by Byterapers 


ite oot hullu

niin oonki, mut ei se sulle kuulu. onks meillä vielä kaljaa.