TUNE IN by Floppy
.. . . Tune In . . .. - sec0nd trip - at satelitte 13-14.XI.1999 Code ................ MaQ Gfx ................ Fame Music (part 1) .......... RevisQ Music (part 2) ......... X-Ceed Music (End Part) .... Psy 2 Conversion `94 by Andy/Anadune (thx!) Textures & Objects ... Def (c) Fl0ppy 1999 - you get what you deserve - new excited floppy productions are being planned, as always ;) -- TuneIn and By logos is MaQ remake of Fame art... btw. 060 stricte optimized, sorry world is going ahead, we`re also. Anyway it can be run on 030 (it's run on my blizzard 030.50 with 8 mb nofpu) but i want to cry when i look at it :). I think there is one way to do that faster - run without motion blur. If anybody want no motion blur version - mail me [email protected] . Now is no time, and no inspiration to include two versions of demo to that archive. A Poza tym jestem zajëty odburaczaniem dema. A tak wogóle to o niczym innym nie marzë jak o "Wîadcy Pierôcieni", który leûy na póîce juû od ponad miesiâca, nietkniëty. ---- maq . flp . apx
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