
Sid Sound Designer Compo by Dead Hackers Society [web]

_________________ SSD COMPO - Dead Hackers Society _________________

               Sid Sound Designer onlinecompo results

                      Released -  July 4, 1999

                          At the IMParty 9

Hardware requirements:

 - Atari ST, STe, TT or Falcon.

 - 1mb ram.

 - Colour monitor (VGA/RGB/TV).

Known bugs:

 - None.


 - On Falcons with doublevbl problems, there is possibly a big
   fuckup. Try the twinsync patch program . This is not an error of
   this demo, but a hardware problem with Falcon.


 - None, you're running it at your own risk.


 - Free to copy! Put it on CDROMS, FTP archives, sell it or
   whatever you like. We don't care.


 - Email: [email protected]

 - Web: http://dhs.atari.org


 - Sid Sound Designer replay:
   Mc/Animal Mine, Defjam/Checkpoint, Frost/Loud

 - Music:
   Aio, Baggio, Blind-Io, Dma-Sc, Evil, Havoc, Mc-Laser, Milhouse,
   Tao, Viking

 - Graphics & programming:

Last words:

   Well, not as many contributions as for the 4-colour compo, but
   that wasn't really expected. There are more gfxers than true
   chipmusicans around!

   The transparency beetween efx & logo in the demo shows another
   side-effect from using the 'flicker blur' plotting. Flickers a
   bit but it's rather cute ;)

   Anyhow, this was the last onlinecompo for the summer. We'll be
   back in September with the next one. Then it's time for those
   strange coders to show what they are made of.

   Now I wish you a nice summer vacation and I hope the PMP party
   in Netherlands will be a big success!

                   never give up - stay atari!
