
plastic by Phase Truce & Nah-Kolor [web]

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              |  phase  |      a n d   |_  | .. nah - kolor
              |  truce _|_             |/__|
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          phase truce in cooperation with nah-kolor presents
                        new 64kb intro called

                          - p l a s t i c -

                          code - ace/pht^nah
                         music - kro/pht^nah

               requirements: a12oo, o2o+, 16mB ram, fpu
                   recommeded: at least mc68o4o/4o

              All effects are in 2x2 18bit true color.
  Sorry for poor quality of samples, but i use 4bit sample packing.

          for contact or joining to phase truce write to:
                                              jØF  "¶ØQµ__
                              _____________  jØF      ¯°*Qpµ_    __________
                        _ ____\             æØF           ¬°#Qpµ_         /
       _____    ___      _____    ______   ¼ØF                ¬¶#Qµ__    /
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                  _ ___________     Æ@                   ¬°*QØØ"  / aC!d
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                                       "¶#Qµ__            _Æ@
                                           °¶Øpµ_        _Æ@
                                              ¬°*Qæµ_   ¸ÆP
                      swapping, joining and support:  "¶F
                           GLAZ, ABC, VISITORS..

               peer/phase truce              ace/phase truce
               p.reszczynski                          p.cuch
               kominka 1/3                     lokietka 3d/5
               59-220 legnica                 59-225 chojnow
               poland                                 poland

               "also normal swapp"             "also coders"