
infernal by Whelpz [web] & Destiny

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                           in cooperation with

                              D E S T I N Y

                          presents intro called

                           - i n f e r n a l -


                  we need new talented/active members!

               graphicians/musicians/3d modellers wanted!

         if you want to join our crew write at these addresses:

        thorr/whelpz                      revi/whelpz+sative mea
        krzysztof kurzawski                     slawek ostruszka
        ul. herdera 8/23          or       ul. sw. jerzego 7a/17
        1o-693 olsztyn                            43-4oo cieszyn
        poland                                            poland
        [email protected]                 [email protected]

                or send us an email at [email protected]

            also visit our homepage at www.kki.net.pl/whelpz

   get our releases from ftp.tk.sprint.com.pl /pub/amiga/scene/Whelpz


                   "nightline" - our norwegian hq bbs:

                           node1: +47-51669913
                           node2: +47-51invite
                nodes3-6: telnet - nightline.darktech.org

                         l: whelpz p: whelpz1999

       also check aminet and most bbs' for our latest productions.

    hot greets to all active crews out there! you know who you are...

               whelpz - we take you one dimention further!