electricity by Appendix [web]
Short: Electricity by Appendix,released at ASM'2k Author: Appendix ([email protected]) Uploader: [email protected] Type: demo/intro \ ·\ ____ __ ... \·\ \ /__ / ... : : ... . .. .......\\· \/ \//......: :.: :.: :... _________ ___________ ___________ ______ . . . . : ________ /__\ ___ /_\ ___ /_\ __/___ . . . :. \ ___ / \// \// \ \____/__ . . : |\\/ ________ \_________ \_____________ / . . :........ |_____\------/___\-------/___\-----------/_____| . . . . . . :.. :. . . . . . . . . _________ . . _____ _____ ___:_ ______ : . . . . . . ___\ /______\ /__\ /__\ \\ / :..... . . . | _ /-\ ___ \ \_/ /-\__ \_ /| : . . . |_____/ \\/ ________ /___/ /___| :. . . . -----/____________\------/_____| /____/----- :. .... . \\\ . . . . . . . . . . . . az0!/l124 : : :...//\ ·\\.......... .... ... .. . :.. : / ¯¯/\ \·\ :.: ¯¯ / \ \· [ a p p e n d i x ] ¯¯¯¯ \ p r e s e n t s E L E C T R I C I T Y 6 4 k i n t r o r e l e a s e d a t A S S E M B L Y 2 k programming: Kierownik graphics : Slayer music : Jazzcat support : Madbart Requires: MC68040, MC68060, AGA or CGX Setpatch (***!!! RUN AFTER SETPATCH !!!***) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Recomended: MC68040/060+CGX Setpatch, Cyberpatcher or Oxypatcher on MC68060 processors! Display: Default is PAL:low-res, u can EASY promote to the CGX mode. (CGX: 8bit, best: 320x240x8) Tested on: A1200T + BlizzardPPC 040/40mhz, 603e/270mhz + B-Vision A1200T + Apollo 040/33mhz, AGA A1200T + Blizzard 060/75mhz, AGA A1200T + Apollo 040/40mhz A1200T + BlizzardPPC 060/50mhz, 603e/200mhz + B-Vision Contact with Appendix: [email protected] (organizer) [email protected] (organizer) [Appendix'2000, at Assembly] www.appendix.optimus.wroc.pl
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