teloegge mae foesdaen by Unique
_ _ __ ____ ___ _______ ___ ______ ___ _______ _____ _ _ _ :Y Y Y Y Y Y .Y | ' . `---' . ' - .| .:| | | ----| . .. .cpd| | .. .:::| - - --- ----^-------^---^---^---. |------^----^--- -- -- - - `--' u n i q u e presents un petit birthday dentro for moniq/cromatics' birthday party held on feb 19th 2000 - teløgge mæ føsdaen - -=- needs 020+, aga, 1 meg o' fast wants 030+, peace on earth -=- code . . . . . cupid gfx . . . . . . cupid gfx . . . . trez/shn music . . . . . cupid unique - we're special!
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