Cows n Snakefights #7 by Nukleus [web]
Universe is probably big, or what do you think? In Universe you will not understand a thing.. _ /)__ __ __ ___ ___ ____) /__\ (____ ___ ___ __ ___ __(\ _ .-\/ // \\ )/ (__)) \\ // \\ // ((__) \( // \\ \/-. | \\/ \ /. \ / æ \// . | | . . .æÆ _.ø¥Ø _.æ |_.ø | §Øø._ _.ø¡ _.æ øØØØ _ .ø _.µØØØØØ . %ØØØ _.øØØØØ .øØØæ.·%ØØØØL. %ØØØf _._ %ØØØ ØØØØ %ØØ¡ %ØØØØØØØØØL Ææ._ ØØØØ¡ JØØØØØØØØ µØØØØØØL%ØØØØØ!¡ØØØØ!%ØØØø ØØØØ ØØØØ ØØØØ ØØØØØØØØØØØ ¶%ØØØ ØØØØL ØØØØØØØØØ ØØØfØØØØ ØØØØØ JØØØØ ØØØØØ ØØØf%ØØØØ ØØØØL %ØØØf~°¤¥ØØ¡·ØØØØ ØØØØØ ØØØØf¶ØØØ .ØØØ ¶ØØØL%ØØØØ %ØØØØ ØØØØØ ØØØL%ØØØ· ¶ØØØØ ¶ØØØØL._ ~°¤.ØØØØ %ØØØØ ØØØØL._ ]ØØØL!ØØØØ ØØØØ ØØØØ% ØØØØ%JØØØØØØØL. JØØØØ ¡ØØØØØØØØØ% %ØØØ ¶ØØØØ ¶ØØØØØØØØL JØØØØ ØØØØ ØØØ% ØØØØf ØØØØfØØØØ%fØØØ% %ØØØf .ØØØØØØf°~¯.æ¡ØØØ¡·ØØØØ .~¶ØØØØØØØ %ØØØØ ¶ØØØ ØØØfJØØØØ ¡ØØØØ ØØØØ ¡ØØØØ ØØØØ JØØØØØØL¡%ØØØ ØØØL ØØØØ %Øæµ·¶ØØØØ ØØØØØL°ØØØLØØØ %ØØØØ JØØØØ ØØØØ JØØØØ ØØØØL.~°¤ØØØØØLØØØØ ØØØØ ØØØØ ØØØØ ¡ØØØØ ØØØØØØ ðØØØØ%f ßØØØØL%ØØØØ ØØØØ ØØØØØ %ØØØØØØØß ~¶ØØØØØØØ ØØØØLØØØØ ØØØ¡ JØØØØ %ØØØØØL ~°¤° ·¶ØØØØØØØØØ ØØØf%ØØØØf ¶ØØØØØØØØL.·ØØØØØØØ ØØØØØØØØf ØØØLØØØØØf ¯~°¤ØØØ. ¯~°¤¥ØØf %¤° ~°¤¥ °~¯ ¯~°¤¥Øx ¥ØØØØØ% ØØؤ°~¯ ¡%ØØØØØØØ% | ~¤¥ ___ ~· ~·Ø¤°~¯ ¤~ ___ Ø¥¤°~¯|p | · / ((___ __ __ ______ ___ ______ __ __ ___)) \ ·° |® | // \\ )/ (__)) // \\ ((__) \( // \\ |g `-----/ \\/ /_____\ \// \-----' that's what's inside! .the saga continueS Good Morning Folks....Our Idea was simple - a Diskmag........... Good Day Folks........So, dreams came true and CnS was born..... Good Evening Folks....A phase arrived, maturity was reached..... Good Night Folks......No goodbyes needed - end if ? ("#?....#?") - -------------------------------------------------------------- - lots of work! blood! sweat! enjoyment! enticement! but finally we are back on a HD drive-in near you! - -------------------------------------------------------------- - N U K L E U S P R E S E N T S - -------------------------------------------------------------- - __________ .. ___ _ _________________________________\\ ......:: //__________________ _ :::: :: ____ ._____ `:::....... /_ / .________ ____/\ _ ____/\ ___.| \ ... ::::::: /_/ _ __| _/ / _ //___ \\ || \\`::: ::::::: \ | / \/ \ | \ /\ \`:: ::::::: \ | \_ .. _____/_______/__/\_______/.:: ::::::: _ _ ____|\_____| .......:: .....:::: ::::::: ::::: :: ::::::::: ::::::: `::::....... ::::::::: ::::::: ....... ::::::: `:::::::::::::::' ::::::::: ::::::: ._________ ::::::::: ::::::: ___| _/____/\ ___. _ ________ ::::::::: ::::::: \ | .__ \\ |_____ ___/ ::::::::: ::::::: \ | __/ \ _ __/__ ___)_____ .. ::::::::: ::::::: ___|\______|__| \_\ \_ _____ / ......:: ::::::::: ::::::: |_______/ \_______/ \/ :::: :: `:::::::::::::::' `:::....... _______________ _ _ ____/\ _ __. _ _____________ ... ::::::: \_. ____/__)_. __ //___ |_____ /.:::: ::::::: | ___) |_ \ \/ \ _ \ _____/.::::: ::::::: |_____| _ _____ '/_________/_| \\_ _| ...:::::: ::::::: \/ yop |_______/ ::::::::: ::::::: _ _________________________________________________ ::::::::: ::::::: //__ ::::::::: ::::::: __ `:::::::::::::::' C O W S ' N S N A K E F I G H T S # 7 - -------------------------------------------------------------- - Your Favorite Diskmag is back! 100+ articles splitted on 10 sections 90 or more cliparts 3 titelpictures gallery part added tutorials, scene reports, reviews OS4, AROS, EDs Corner, 4 interviews - ------------ -CnS EDITORIAL- --------------------------------- - Browallia - Main Editor Cefa - Co Editor Menthos - Co Editor - -------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------- -ARTICLES SUPPORT- ------------------------------ - Apex/, Blis/Grasshopper, Bonkers/Tulou, Booger/Up Rough, Britelite/RNO, Curt Cool/Depth, Daria, Darkus/Equilibrium, dIS/Nukleus, Fishwave/Scoopex^DCS, Frost/Tulou, Ghandy/[S]carab^Mds, Jar/Science, Joru/Nukleus, Kas1e/Vague, Laserguy, LNA, Mod3mski/Darkage, NovaBurst/AROS-dev, Pumbaa/Traktor, Rumrunner/Void, Rykte, s-Agent76, Sir Silvertape/Laxitive Effects, Zerox/Gods - -------------------------------------------------------------- - - ------------ -MUSAX BY- -------------------------------------- - Esau/Traktor, Curt Cool/Depth, dIS/Nukleus, Qwan/Up Rough Wiseman/Paradise, Gunrider/Nukleus - -------------------------------------------------------------- - GRAB CnS #7 now and please respect the download ptr: .::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::: .:::::::. ::: .::::: ::: ::: :: :: :::::::::. ::: :: :: ::: ::::::: :: :: .::::::::: TM ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: the audience is screaming :)----< All writes reserved! (c) 2007 NUKLEUS >----(:
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