
fastintro by Illi Recentes ImperatoreS

                  _____  _____________  ____   ____________
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        _______ /  \     \  _____)     / \    \ \            \ _______
       /\       \   \     \/\         /__ \    \ \________    \       \
      /  \_______\   \     \ \           \ \    \/ /           \ ______\
      \  /\       \   \     \ \    \\     \ \    \/\            \       \
       \/  \_______\   \_____\ \___/ \____/  \____\ \___________/________\
        \  /        \  /     / /  /  /   /\  /    / /          /         /
         \/__________\/_____/\/__/ \/___/  \/____/\/__________/_________/

                               P r e s e n t s

                               - FastIntro -

                              Code by TrickTrax

                              Music by TrickTrax

                                Logo by Ransom

                        Small rabbit picture by Bandy


COMMENTS: Monday Darkhawk called me and wanted something to send to his
          contacts, Tuesday I slaved and today, Wednesday, I'm writing
          this .txt-file.
          So don't complaint about the intro, like it or delete it :)


          Today is Thursday and there was some colorproblems and design
          missing so I fixed the colors and put some extra gfx for your
          pleasure. Now you HAVE to like it :)


THE CODE: Well, the 3D SuperStar Reflector Monster Engine(tm) has been
          developed over a period of 314 years and has now reached version
          1.02b. It features nothing much and is only here to reflect the
          image of me as a SuperStar.

          The SuperDuper EgoMapper Monster Engine(tm) was made in 42 seconds
          and features the fully developed EgoMapper that will stretch your
          ego  beyond  your  wildest dreams (although sometimes you ego gets
          a bit transparent when stretched beyond it's limit). I'm currently
          working on introducing my very own EgoTripper(tm) into the engine
          and it seems to be implementing itself as I speak.

          If you want to contact me, you can write to my email:

                     [email protected]           (TrickTrax)


CONTACT IRIS:         [email protected]        (Darkhawk)

          We are currently looking for graphicians, swappers, and coders.
               If you consider joining please contact Darkhawk
                          via email or via snailmail

                               Christian Hviid
                               Læssøegade 78, 1
                                5230 Odense M

                  You should also try to visit our homepage



                              Released March 1999