Anemia #3
$$$$$$$$$,-,$$$$$$$$$$,-,$$$$$$$$$$$$, ------------------------------------- $$$$ $! $ ggggg $$$$$ ggggg $$ $. $ ,gggg$. $ $. $ $: .$ $. $ " $: .$ The People Behind Anemia $. $ $: .$ $: .$ $$:.$ $: .$ $$:.$ $:.$ $$:.$ $$:.$ $$&$$ $$:.$ $$&$$ $$$$$$$$$$-$$&$$--------$$&$$----------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Writers / Artists / Musicians Needed Desperately Join #anemia to join us! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- A N E M I A A N E M I A A N E M I A Founders Korn Feral Coders Jagged Edge Lucky Top Ace Music Griffon Artists Anubis Osiris Rage TskOd Korn DrOliver Cheif Editor N-Crawler Editors Feral Korn Writers BlackDeath Toth Kandy Elf Dall Unseen Twiztah Imf Sysops Toth Top Ace Phobos Lord Nitro Wartide Ripper Fizz Trial Hectic Chak * Outbreak are ANM Official Couriers * $$$$$$$$$,-,$$$$$$$$$$,-,$$$$$$$$$$$$, ------------------------------------- $$$$ $! $ ggggg $$$$$ ggggg $$ $. $ ,gggg$. $ $. $ $: .$ $. $ " $: .$ Distro Boards $. $ $: .$ $: .$ $$:.$ $: .$ $$:.$ $:.$ $$:.$ $$:.$ $$&$$ $$:.$ $$&$$ $$$$$$$$$$-$$&$$--------$$&$$----------------------------------------------- Board Name Nodes Sysop Area Code Position ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Central Park 05 Ripper +61-3 World HQ Needed +03 Nodes USA HQ Needed +03 Nodes Euro HQ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Faded Amibition 02 Toth n/a ANM Distro Virtual Chaoz 01 Top Ace 613 ANM Distro Marauder 02 Wartide +61-7 ANM Distro Sneakers BBS 02 Lord Nitro 604 ANM Distro spunk'Crized 03 Fizz 972 ANM Distro ----------------------------------------------------------------------- $$$$$$$$$,-,$$$$$$$$$$,-,$$$$$$$$$$$$, ------------------------------------- $$$$ $! $ ggggg $$$$$ ggggg $$ $. $ ,gggg$. $ $. $ $: .$ $. $ " $: .$ Contact Info $. $ $: .$ $: .$ $$:.$ $: .$ $$:.$ $:.$ $$:.$ $$:.$ $$&$$ $$:.$ $$&$$ $$$$$$$$$$-$$&$$--------$$&$$----------------------------------------------- World Wide Web: By Email......: [email protected] IRC...........: #anemia
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