
Fire & Ice by MadWizards [web]

short:    FIRE AND ICE - Mawi`s intro from Gravity`97
uploader: azzaro/mawi ([email protected])
author:   mawi
type:     demo/intro
requires: any amiga with aga chipset

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                         a 4kB intro by StarLighT/Mawi
                            released on Gravity '97
                    Don't spread it without this text file !

        Starlight  on  line...  At first I would like to say that this little
one  is  my second production in assembler, so don't blame me for it...  Some
words  'bout  this  small  intro:  this little one is generated randomly each
time  you  start  it, so it will never be the same!  (:^)) It could be easily
made  much  faster,  buth then it would be too fast to see the beauty of this
nice  efx...   It uses the VBlank interrupt to delay itself, but I was forced
to  make two versions of it (due to lack of code-space):  4kb.Fire&Ice is for
Amigas  with  at  least  020  &  Fast,  it has much longer delaying loop, and
4kb.Fire&Ice.low  is  for  all cpu's, although it could be too fast on better
processors...   And  this  intro  has one most important feature - it has the
best  system  on/off  routine  I could think of.  I've tested it with many WB
programs  (i.e.   FileMaster,  CeD and Hippoplayer running at the same time).
It preserves all (I think) important system vectors I know (i.e.  DMA, audio,
interrupts...).   So if it bugs - don't panic, wait until the end, press left
mouse button and You're in system again !

a)  The Vector Base Register (VBR) MUST BE SET TO 0 before running this intro
!  The best way to ensure this is a clean bootup (Without Startup-Sequence).

b)  On  my  030  there was no need of disabling caches (InstCache & DataCache
with  Burst)  knows  what  it'll  be  like on 040 or 060...  Although no self
modifying code was used, Murphy isn't sleeping...  #8^)

Notka  do organizerów:  Do compo przeznaczona jest wersja "4kb.Fire&Ice", ale
proszë  o  spreadowanie  obydwu  wersji  dostarczonych  na  dysku razem z tym
plikiem tekstowym.  THX!

This intro has been tested on:

* A500 0.5 MB Chip 0.5 MB SlowFast
* A1200 MC68EC020 2.0 MB Chip
* A1200 MC68030/40Mhz FPU 68882/40Mhz 2Mb Chip 8Mb Fast, MMU
* A1200 MC68030/33Mhz FPU 68882/33Mhz 2MB Chip 8Mb Fast, MMU