4k World
WORLD 4K INTRO INFO FILE ------------------------- some stats... this intro features: - planar flight with full three-axis rotation - vector scenes with goraud shading and full three-axis rotation - camera path defined by first-order parametric continuity splines - compressed HSX FMtune played in background specialties and comments: - 20K sine/cosine table calculated using FPU - Nosound option (just try parameter N) - ESCAPE from anywhere Sorry for the slow and ugly code, but i was in an urgent hurry to finish the code, so i hadn't the time to care on optimizations. Hope it will improve next time... the further, it requires: - 520K base mem - i486 or compatibles, i387 or compatible coprocessor - recommended is 486dx2/66 with fast graphics card - AdLib or compatibles for HSX-sound but... it's not a bug, it's a feauture (known problems): - on 386 trident8900C machines, where univbe was hiloaded once, the copyplf function didn't work. try either with a clean boot or load univbe a second time - if it happens that the intro terminates with a "memory?" message, try with less TSR or with a clean boot - possibly the intro won't hang if you don't have a coprozessor, but the screen output will look VERY ugly. da team: code furball player gumball tune big bear greets: gargamel (for gr8 moral support) chicken (for even greater moral support) lord excess faker dune / lassi nikko (we love you) ULi (where the hell is the psx list??) rocksteady vogi - we are proud of your progress! spleen (you may credit thiz intro...) if you'd like to contact me or the new, not yet named demogroup :) ... modem: The Lycaeum BBS +41-41-484-2989 e-mail: [email protected]
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